This is a story of my own personal odyssey through American politics. I'll start at the beginning, which would have been when I started listening to Rush. I was a typical latchkey kid living in the sticks with nothing but staticy network TV reception. This would have been around 1992, so the internet wasn't quite in the house yet, that would come a couple of years later. I was 12 years old and had discovered the wonders of AM radio. I left it on talk radio all day long, and the rantings of Rush Limbaugh became my soap opera. I listened with rapt attention to all of the scandals happening in our nation's capital. It was outrageous. I was probably one of just a handful of teeny-boppers who could tell you about the missing FBI files, the wronged women Clinton abused, Vince Foster (no powder burns in mouth; no footprints around the body!), Hillarycare, the Commerce Secretary felled from the air, etc. I'll tell you right now this stuff blew my mind. Why didn't anyone care?
Then came the '94 elections. I'll never forget the look on Dan Rather's face when he had to say that the Republicans had taken the house. It was glorious and exciting. I actually thought, now things will really begin to change and we'll start to turn this thing around! I was 14, give me a break, okay? So I continued to listen to Rush when school was out and over the summer. On the school bus to the math team competition, I remember making the comment, 'hey Rush is on right now, and some how a brought up the number for the show'. The boy sitting behind me said you mean, 1-800-282-2882? Turns out he was a real dittohead, too. He taped the show wiring his radio into the VCR someway. He also was the only kid from our school to place at math team.
So then for my sweet 16, my parents get me The Limbaugh Letter. Now I have all those great quotes from the liberals contradicting themselves written down for future reference. Pretty cool, huh? I went to the Governor's School for Science the following summer at the University of Tennessee and got some pretty weird looks carrying around Newt Gingrich's To Restore America book. I also read a Harry Browne book, too, trying to take my mind off of the grotesque amount of liberalism that surrounded me on all sides. I thought I would be safe from that in a science program, but no, in my biology specialization, we spent an entire class period debating on the sexism and stigma of female scientists wearing makeup. Note to self: don't go to school here.
So there I am looking forward to the '96 presidential race. I'm pretty stoked about getting that Clinton out of office, as the stuff he's getting away with is crazy. But we all know how that turned out. Rush had to reset his America Held Hostage clock, and then the impeachment stuff started to happen. I wanted Clinton to get impeached over those little annoying habits like selling Communist China missile technology through Loral. I was fast becoming disillusioned, not with Rush, but with the Republicans that I thought were going to change things. Yes, I do feel stupid. Turns out that there were Republicans who were dealing dirty just like Clinton and didn't want the investigation to shine onto them. Antony Sutton found this out the hard way back in 1972, but I didn't know about any of that at the time. I do remember making the comment to my English teacher my senior year about how we had no business being in Bosnia and it actually harmed the people there as they would never be able to stand up for themselves if not continuously propped up. Being so young, I could have only formed these opinions via Rush.
So at 18, I get married to the boy who wired up his VCR to record Rush. We are now at college and listening to Rush together in our apartment. My personal life was kind of crazy at this point and I wasn't the political junkie I used to be. However, it was at this point that I got cable and Foxnews was the latest thing. I had heard of this Foxnews via Rush as an alternative to the liberal media. I watched Hannity and Colmes every night. I know. I even watched O'Reilly every night too. But through it all Rush was still a regular part of my media diet. I distinctly remembered him mocking the bombing of the Iraqi aspirin factory as a way to distract us from Clinton's shenanigans.
Then comes the 2000 election. We would finally be rid of the Clintons, but the Goracle loomed large on the stage. How could it even be close after what the last eight years had brought? I relied on Rush a whole lot to get me through these tough times. He kept me informed of what the libs were up to. At this point in time, my mind was programmed to expect dirty tricks and didn't think twice about the Supreme Court siding with the Bushes. At least is wasn't more of the same, and now we would be getting somewhere. Yes, I do feel stupid now, thank you.
So then came 9/11, the Patriot Act, and Homeland Security. I didn't give it a whole lot of thought at the time, as I was busy with school, babies, and figuring out what flowers to put in the flower bed. I figured that the Patriot surely came with some sort of sunset date, but it didn't. Ruh-roh. I watched as Osama was pinned down at Tora Bora, and wondered why he wasn't captured. As the years rolled by, I kept wondering why the most sophisticated military in the world couldn't locate and capture or kill one man and his band of jihadis? I was even more mystified when watching the 2004 debates and seeing George W. act annoyed with the whole Iraq wasn't connected to Al Qaeda. He said something to the effect of: "I know that Iraq isn't connected to 9/11, OK!" I guess it was his distant attitude that kind of made me think twice about things. Our soldiers and their mission were constantly coming under attack by the libs, which annoyed me greatly. I listened to Rush doing housework during this time and he would always bring to my attention what those unpatriotic liberal idiots were up to now. Little did I know I was being hardened against anything they could possibly have to say about defense spending, foreign policy, or anything else. However, in the back of my mind, I kept wondering what the endgame for all of the multiplying wars would be. I wasn't programmed far enough to think that perpetual war was some sort of awesome "American exceptional" characteristic.
It was also during the Bush years, that the Ken Lay scandal stuff happened. I couldn't help but think back to when I first started following politics as a teenager. I felt so conned. I also remember Rush saying (after he got his big Clear Channel deal) how some people accused him of being out of touch, and I was like, naw, Rush you're the same as you ever were. It was around the 17th time he claimed that people were saying he was out of touch that I begin to think that he "protested too much". Then I remember that at about the same time the prescription drug deal went through, Rush said that he had "had it" and wasn't going to carry their water anymore. Meaning of course, that he had been smoothing over the gross incompetence and/or corruption of the Republican party.
At about this point, we're up to the 2007 elections. I was pulling for ol' Fred, not knowing about CFR and such. I tickled me to see him refuse to raise his hand to acknowledge the whole global warming fiasco. When he didn't make it, I remember fielding a call from an RNC person fishing for donations to get McCain in the White House. She said, "you want to beat Barack Obama, right?" And I'm like, "meh". Because just before this call, both Obama AND McCain had voted for TARP, which I thought was a socialistic move. I, being a red-blooded anti-commie descendant of many, many Revolutionary soldiers, just don't roll that way. (This is why I will never support Romney, Cain, Perry, et al) As far as I was concerned, there was just one party in charge. I kept hearing Rush say, "elections mean things", but from where I sat, as a 15 year observer, I had to disagree. I'd been pulling for Republicans all this time and we only wound up with more socialized medicine, total Federal takeover of education, a Stasi-like Big Brother department, and a defense department that comprised 25% of our GDP. Nice. So it was at this point, that I stopped listening to Rush, and started to try to put the pieces together on my own. I started blogging right after the Obamacare vote, and my stands on various issues have drastically changed the more educated I became.
Not all my time with Rush was ill spent. The one thing that sticks with me is what he used to say about the Clintons all the time: How many people have to be lying in order for the Clintons to be telling the truth. You can apply this sentence to just about anything the government tells you that is in conflict with other evidence. It's like an Occum's razor you can apply to so many situations. The other thing you can think about, is who stands to gain from whatever new policy, program, or product the Elite are trying to shill for today.
It's not enough to say that liberals are stupid, okay? It's time to move beyond that and figure out who the real players are. They have names and companies and spend money so as to see their goals accomplished. With this in mind, I hope we can put pieces together and collectively stop being played as a bunch of fools. If I, as a homeschooling mom of five with never-ending laundry can take my ex-TV-watching time and do a little research to find out what is going on, how come a childless man who actively works three hours a day can't verify facts and do some searching to see what is going on in this country? To tell you the truth, I couldn't handle him talking about his stupid cats, his golf game, and the Steelers while our country was circling the commode. For instance, one of his facts of life is that feminism was invented to give ugly women access to the mainstream of society. A little research actually exposes the fact that feminism was funded and promoted by the Ford Foundation by the admission of the feminists themselves. It ties into the eugenic mindset of a sexless society where we are regarded has human resourced automatons serving the state and not as we were created as families, with our own unique and loving roles. Feminism serves the state by separating children from the family and forcing them into state-approved conditioning centers (state-licensed day-cares and schools, etc.) and skimming all those FICA taxes off the paychecks of the non-male part of the populations. So Rush can joke about it all day, but he never brings home the point of what feminism does to society in general. But maybe that's the point, Rush provides a relief valve for those of us who are fed up with being corralled into this centralized system and want to hear someone else say something negative about it. Which is fine, but as a mom, I get tired of the whining and want to see some problem solving. Check out the
Major bankster activity here. Check out Vernon Jordan who used to be on the board of Clear Channel. I first heard his name on Rush in connection with the Clintons. He's also on the board of about 8 other corporations - big ones. Good grief, you could do one post about our buddy Vernon and probably dig up a lot of new info. It never ends
cross-posted at Don't Tread on Us
Then came the '94 elections. I'll never forget the look on Dan Rather's face when he had to say that the Republicans had taken the house. It was glorious and exciting. I actually thought, now things will really begin to change and we'll start to turn this thing around! I was 14, give me a break, okay? So I continued to listen to Rush when school was out and over the summer. On the school bus to the math team competition, I remember making the comment, 'hey Rush is on right now, and some how a brought up the number for the show'. The boy sitting behind me said you mean, 1-800-282-2882? Turns out he was a real dittohead, too. He taped the show wiring his radio into the VCR someway. He also was the only kid from our school to place at math team.
So then for my sweet 16, my parents get me The Limbaugh Letter. Now I have all those great quotes from the liberals contradicting themselves written down for future reference. Pretty cool, huh? I went to the Governor's School for Science the following summer at the University of Tennessee and got some pretty weird looks carrying around Newt Gingrich's To Restore America book. I also read a Harry Browne book, too, trying to take my mind off of the grotesque amount of liberalism that surrounded me on all sides. I thought I would be safe from that in a science program, but no, in my biology specialization, we spent an entire class period debating on the sexism and stigma of female scientists wearing makeup. Note to self: don't go to school here.
So there I am looking forward to the '96 presidential race. I'm pretty stoked about getting that Clinton out of office, as the stuff he's getting away with is crazy. But we all know how that turned out. Rush had to reset his America Held Hostage clock, and then the impeachment stuff started to happen. I wanted Clinton to get impeached over those little annoying habits like selling Communist China missile technology through Loral. I was fast becoming disillusioned, not with Rush, but with the Republicans that I thought were going to change things. Yes, I do feel stupid. Turns out that there were Republicans who were dealing dirty just like Clinton and didn't want the investigation to shine onto them. Antony Sutton found this out the hard way back in 1972, but I didn't know about any of that at the time. I do remember making the comment to my English teacher my senior year about how we had no business being in Bosnia and it actually harmed the people there as they would never be able to stand up for themselves if not continuously propped up. Being so young, I could have only formed these opinions via Rush.
So at 18, I get married to the boy who wired up his VCR to record Rush. We are now at college and listening to Rush together in our apartment. My personal life was kind of crazy at this point and I wasn't the political junkie I used to be. However, it was at this point that I got cable and Foxnews was the latest thing. I had heard of this Foxnews via Rush as an alternative to the liberal media. I watched Hannity and Colmes every night. I know. I even watched O'Reilly every night too. But through it all Rush was still a regular part of my media diet. I distinctly remembered him mocking the bombing of the Iraqi aspirin factory as a way to distract us from Clinton's shenanigans.
Then comes the 2000 election. We would finally be rid of the Clintons, but the Goracle loomed large on the stage. How could it even be close after what the last eight years had brought? I relied on Rush a whole lot to get me through these tough times. He kept me informed of what the libs were up to. At this point in time, my mind was programmed to expect dirty tricks and didn't think twice about the Supreme Court siding with the Bushes. At least is wasn't more of the same, and now we would be getting somewhere. Yes, I do feel stupid now, thank you.
So then came 9/11, the Patriot Act, and Homeland Security. I didn't give it a whole lot of thought at the time, as I was busy with school, babies, and figuring out what flowers to put in the flower bed. I figured that the Patriot surely came with some sort of sunset date, but it didn't. Ruh-roh. I watched as Osama was pinned down at Tora Bora, and wondered why he wasn't captured. As the years rolled by, I kept wondering why the most sophisticated military in the world couldn't locate and capture or kill one man and his band of jihadis? I was even more mystified when watching the 2004 debates and seeing George W. act annoyed with the whole Iraq wasn't connected to Al Qaeda. He said something to the effect of: "I know that Iraq isn't connected to 9/11, OK!" I guess it was his distant attitude that kind of made me think twice about things. Our soldiers and their mission were constantly coming under attack by the libs, which annoyed me greatly. I listened to Rush doing housework during this time and he would always bring to my attention what those unpatriotic liberal idiots were up to now. Little did I know I was being hardened against anything they could possibly have to say about defense spending, foreign policy, or anything else. However, in the back of my mind, I kept wondering what the endgame for all of the multiplying wars would be. I wasn't programmed far enough to think that perpetual war was some sort of awesome "American exceptional" characteristic.
It was also during the Bush years, that the Ken Lay scandal stuff happened. I couldn't help but think back to when I first started following politics as a teenager. I felt so conned. I also remember Rush saying (after he got his big Clear Channel deal) how some people accused him of being out of touch, and I was like, naw, Rush you're the same as you ever were. It was around the 17th time he claimed that people were saying he was out of touch that I begin to think that he "protested too much". Then I remember that at about the same time the prescription drug deal went through, Rush said that he had "had it" and wasn't going to carry their water anymore. Meaning of course, that he had been smoothing over the gross incompetence and/or corruption of the Republican party.
At about this point, we're up to the 2007 elections. I was pulling for ol' Fred, not knowing about CFR and such. I tickled me to see him refuse to raise his hand to acknowledge the whole global warming fiasco. When he didn't make it, I remember fielding a call from an RNC person fishing for donations to get McCain in the White House. She said, "you want to beat Barack Obama, right?" And I'm like, "meh". Because just before this call, both Obama AND McCain had voted for TARP, which I thought was a socialistic move. I, being a red-blooded anti-commie descendant of many, many Revolutionary soldiers, just don't roll that way. (This is why I will never support Romney, Cain, Perry, et al) As far as I was concerned, there was just one party in charge. I kept hearing Rush say, "elections mean things", but from where I sat, as a 15 year observer, I had to disagree. I'd been pulling for Republicans all this time and we only wound up with more socialized medicine, total Federal takeover of education, a Stasi-like Big Brother department, and a defense department that comprised 25% of our GDP. Nice. So it was at this point, that I stopped listening to Rush, and started to try to put the pieces together on my own. I started blogging right after the Obamacare vote, and my stands on various issues have drastically changed the more educated I became.
Not all my time with Rush was ill spent. The one thing that sticks with me is what he used to say about the Clintons all the time: How many people have to be lying in order for the Clintons to be telling the truth. You can apply this sentence to just about anything the government tells you that is in conflict with other evidence. It's like an Occum's razor you can apply to so many situations. The other thing you can think about, is who stands to gain from whatever new policy, program, or product the Elite are trying to shill for today.
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Major bankster activity here. Check out Vernon Jordan who used to be on the board of Clear Channel. I first heard his name on Rush in connection with the Clintons. He's also on the board of about 8 other corporations - big ones. Good grief, you could do one post about our buddy Vernon and probably dig up a lot of new info. It never ends
cross-posted at Don't Tread on Us
I have taken a similar path in my political understanding. It makes me wonder how different I will see things in five years.
ReplyDeleteTrestin, RM, you folks are Young. Which is what I continually thought RM, as I learned you were 12 in 1992. 5 kids? Wow.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, my main point in regard to this being, that I'm 59, and I just figured all this out about 8 to 10 years ago. Where will my education lead to in the rest of my lifetime, but Where will Yours lead as I hope and expect you've got a long way to go before you even start thinking about retirement, let alone anything else.
I am more optimistic about your future as I am my own. I think it's only going to turn around, if it does, after the kids get re-educated, or properly educated as a result of feeling the pain. The figurative hand over the flame is the only thing I believe will make a difference to them. By then it will be far too late to Vote a better life. They'll have to take it as the revolutionaries did.
Briefly, in my own defense of such a late realization is that I simply wrote politics/politicians off very early on, and without knowing the details, arrived at what you did through your research. I see that as good in a self gratifying way, since I've enjoyed life a lot more than I would have, but a bad thing as I will tell any young person now that they do not realize what is being done to them while they are preoccupied with sex, drugs, R&R and the NFL. When it does hit them, they'll wonder what hit them, and I tell them now, it was their non-attention and participation in the American process.
As far as Rush, I'll just say I'd catch him if I was on the road for a multi-hour trip but simply cannot take hearing about hilrod, pelois, reid and all the other disgusting creatures out there, let alone listen to sound bites of them. I can't handle that in my life. I know they're wicked stupid/evil, and will oppose them at every opportunity, so why expose myself.
And yes, I do agree with you, that all of this is staged for our benefit. Frank Zappa put it together in a song in early 1970's here. (Frank also put out a lot of pornolyricalmusicalia as well if your sensitive to that kind of thing and poke around at his other music - be careful in that case.)
Well, this was a longer comment than I thought :)
PS- Frank does have some absolutely wonderful stuff too, just that it's a minefield if you are sensitive to the other. If you're interested, I'll point you to the Pg13 stuff. His last album is fairly safe and up at the top of the list - Joe's Garage. Interesting character for sure. Active in politics and many other things, and regarded as genius by many.
ReplyDeleteHa! I pride myself on productivity! While I realize that 31 is not old, having an almost 13 year old makes me feel old"er".
ReplyDeleteBottom line is that I'm old enough to know that I've been lied to and I do not like it. This stuff is lining up perfectly with the prophecies, which is kind of cool.
I did go to public school, so nothing can really shock me. (unlike my daughter who will consider writing letters of complaint over perceived indecencies.) I love what Frank said about school:
“Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you've got any guts. Some of you like Pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read. ”
I feel like such a failure for not dropping out sometimes. Instead I was the straight A dork who jumped through all the required hoops. Oh well, I have a chemical engineering degree that usually shuts people up when they wonder if I'm qualified to "homeschool". So that's nice.
It's like that heathen George Carlin said, they want you smart enough to do their work, but just dumb enough not to see the bigger picture.
I see you're way ahead of me. Haha. Frank was down on religion too... Though Einstien said - Religion without science is blind, Science without religion is lame. Sort of describes my thoughts pretty well.
ReplyDeleteI went to a Catholic grade school taught by nuns. One who will live in my dreams til the end of time. (Chapter 4) At the risk of shameless self-promotion and/or humiliating expoure, here is my collection in interesting biographical stories, posted before you were reading me. LINK
Well, I'll never shy away from honesty and you might enjoy.
I love you, you know that? Your story is just like mine! Except that I wasn't on any math team because math and opiates don't really go very well together, I dropped out of high school because I didn't see the point, I was in a stupor from psychiatric meds when 9/11 happened so I didn't really care what was going on, and I never cared about politics until I was 24. Oh. Well, I guess your story is nothing like mine. LOL. Funny how we ended up in pretty much the same place anyhow.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has a story to tell, and being normal can make yours kinda boring. It's always interesting to see so many different people come to the same conclusions.
ReplyDeleteI know more than one homeschool mom who had previously been "chemically removed" for awhile. Strange how that makes you want to protect your kids from a similar fate by living an alternative lifestyle.
Great post-!!!
ReplyDeleteas an homeschool MOM (started in 1984-) - (was a public school teacher for 10 years-knew R-W-A-and Logic- were no longer being taught to my satisfaction-)-I commend you-
you mention JBS-started reading the New American several years ago- the articles on Historical facts - alone-is worth the price...
to the R party- no more Lesser of Two Evils---NO!!
The Military as 25% of GDP anytime in the last 25 years? You might want to check your numbers.
Both parties are statist. The only difference is that they are statist about different things.
Nearly all organized religions are statist.
ReplyDeleteWhen talking to the Maker I prefer to avoid intermediaries. They distort the message. If you get very quiet and listen you can get the message direct.
You caught me, Simon! I meant to say 25% of the federal budget. That actually comes to 4.7% of GDP. There are only 8-9 countries who spend more as a percentage of GDP: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Iraq, Oman, UAE, Chad and Georgia, plus probably N. Korea as they don't share their stats.
ReplyDeleteWon't disagree with the statist quality of both parties, you absolutely right about that.
Organized religion has the tendency to get statist, as a borderline Independent, missionary Baptist type, I'm always on the look-out for that kind of behavior in a church. However, you want to be careful about spacing out and listening as not everything you hear will be from God. That's why he gave us a Book to refer to and it says believe not every spirit, but to try (test) the spirits.
I'm very thankful that I can pray directly to Jesus have all of my burdens lifted no matter where I am.
Thanks for stopping by!
Dear RM,
ReplyDeleteFrom the first time I read what you had to say- I could tell you were a notch above the usual blogger or commenter. Like, you get it.
I like what you have to say.
I quit listening to political commentary a long time ago. I'll tell you why. It is directed at bashing the other party. There is no solution in maintaining a two party war.
The war will be won when people realize it cannot be won by either of these two garbage in garbage out parties. A third party is the only thing blinking, "escape here."
Thanks for the kind words, Brian.
ReplyDeleteAn honest person can only stand the constant anger and accusation of political commentary for so long, before one starts looking for solutions.
TPTB have got it rigged against a third party, which is why Ron Paul is running as a Republican. It's hard to get on the ballot as a third party, but you know that. One thing is for sure, these two parties are both owned by the same S.P.E.C.T.R.E bunch that got the bailout money and who knows what all.
Thanks for stopping by.
Great post, my political awakening has taken an almost identical path. Glad I read this ;)