Well, it looks like we're stuck in the same place, only this time the Elites through their CIA-reared buddy boy Obama are hitting pedal to the medal with a carbon tax. But instead of pondering all that this illegitimate, corrupt executive could do to us, let's stop and think about how a guy like this could win reelection.
- As much as conservatives like to tout that they love America more than liberals do and are smarter than liberals, I really don't see it as much as they want to believe it. They tend to cocoon themselves in their FoxNews/talk radio info bubbles and start believing the propaganda that's been tailor made just for them. I've written here how I came to get out of that bubble and began doing my own research. The reality that Rush and others were presenting did to match up with what I was witnessing.
- The big picture is not seen or acknowledged by conservatives. While liberals don't think five minutes into the future, an average Republican truly doesn't understand what drives politics and power in this nation. Because of this faulty understanding, they are unable to comprehend to what degree politicians are on the take and the massive collusion going on unreported by mainstream news.
- Expanding on the big picture, while the Federal Reserve is now at least spoken about, conservatives tend to treat it as they do the host of other wedge issues the Establishment has us argue about in a compartmentalized way. However, EVERYTHING we dislike about the federal government is made possible by the Fed. Truly, most conservatives just gloss over it because they don't understand the significance. Hence, the popularity of Herman Cain, former Fed employee and also a clueless conservative.
- The one faction of the Republican Party that was totally conversant in all things Fed, could rattle off in detail the last 100 years of American history with respect to cartel capitalism and fiat money was the Ron Paul faction. Because they declined to go along with the "blood and swash" attitude regarding foreign policy (which was due to their knowledge of war profiteering working hand in glove with the banksters and beginning at about the same time as the Fed) they met with great resistance by the standard Republican Party operatives. Side-note: the defense sector brings home the bacon through endless war, which has brought down civilizations throughout history. But don't tell a neocon that, we must nuke Iran!
- Romney was the last choice of the Republican base and everyone knows it. At the beginning of the primary season, the conservative battle cry was "anyone but Romney". But when the fix was obviously in, all your conventional Tea Party types lined up like good little soldiers and began supporting Romney. Despite the fact that Romney ran the pilot program for Obamacare in Massachusetts, which featured $50 abortions and signed off on official LGBT dayz at public schools.
- Feeling that they, the Ron Paul supporters, were the true champions of the Constitution, they proceeded to attempt to take the Republican Party back to the days of yore, when being a Republican meant no foreign entanglements and the most limited government possible. But the Republican Party no likey upstarts messin' with their machine.
- And you know what happened in the primary season, time and again we in the RP camp saw voting irregularities, outright temper tantrums by the Establishment, and physical assault Take Iowa for example, the 7-8 precincts where Ron Paul did well were simply not counted and then they made up a cover story to make it close between Romney and Santorum. Had those precincts counted, Ron Paul would have handily won. In South Carolina, the voting machine records from Spartanburg showed some very statistically unusual results with Ron Paul starting out in first place and then as a set number of votes were cast, Ron Paul's votes went down as Mitt Romney's went up.
- All this cheating led up the climax of cheating: the RNC in Tampa with their infamous Rule 16. This rule would have cut out the grassroots forever, allowing the incumbent president power over who gets to have influence in the GOP. The man writing the minority opinion, Morton Blackwell, was kidnapped on a bus as the vote was being decided, the driver refusing to let him get off and walk to the convention center. Then the voice vote results were typed into the teleprompter for Boehner to read robotically. Even where Ron Paul won delegates, the MC refused to say his name from the podium, saying only 3 delegates, Romney, neglecting to say 15 or whatever Ron Paul. They couldn't even mention this Congressman who served in the military and honorably in the Congress keeping his oath to the best of his ability. That was perhaps the icing on the cake.
- All these factors led to Ron Paul supporters taking the solemn "I'll never vote for Romney" oath. There was no blood involved, it was more of an internet pinky pledge. But after being maligned as potheads for pointing out that the War on Drugs is leading to a police state that will consume us all, all of liberty voters said, ya know what? Knock yourselves out-without us! CHEATERS NEVER WIN!
Join the Caption Contest at the Daily Paul This is just one little example of what I'm talking about. Romney folks had to resort to acting like my toddlers (they do the cover someone else mouth with their hand when they don't want to hear something.) |
- If you haven't seen Hacking Democracy, then you really should so that you can understand that these machines can be hacked on the memory chips and leave no evidence!!! Yes, they still have dead people voting, but actually being able to program the machines in secret is a huge advantage to someone other than the people!
- The war on the human race is in full swing and it is funded by the endless, godless fiat money system. The agenda has been marching onward for 100 years in earnest. This is NOT about one administration. The agenda consists of the Communist Manifesto made real over the entire world with the banksters at the top. In my post, The Establishment: Naming Names and Tracing their Roots, I provide more than enough evidence that subversives to the Constitution have been using Fabian Socialism quite successfully for 100+ years to transform America. It didn't begin in the '60s, one could said it all began at the Tower of Babel, but that's another level. They want the human race drastically diminished. That's why they obsess over reproduction energy usage, consumption rates, etc. They want to end private property rights with Agenda 21. They have had the public school system under their control since the 1920s at least. They have had the media purchased since that time also. This is what we need to be talking about not whether or not one of their teleprompter reading puppets is going to "do anything" about the nations problems. They are hired to keep it going.
- In my state of Tennessee, our election results were released just 11 minutes after the polls closed. Please see this interview with Bev Harris who says that lots of Romney votes were never counted. The fix was in back during the primary to ensure that the bankster ball player Romney who would carry the world government agenda forward. But the fix apparently was also in to ensure that their communist player Obama would take us under global governance with a smiley face. Drones away, baby!
- Remember, Presidents aren't elected, they are selected. Until we actually talk about the fact that these voting machines are taking away our votes, and that there are domestic enemies about, we will never get anywhere.
- Evil exists and it is coming for us. Ignorance is what it feeds upon. What is your knowledge level of the things I've discussed in this post? If you have no clue what I'm talking about, then you have work to do. Use this time of internet freedom to print out the evidence so that we can use in times of possible information control.
So it would appear that our election system is really, really broken. No one wants to say it, because admitting it means you have to take responsibility for that knowledge. That opens a can of worms that no one really wants to hold. We'd much rather think that at least our process still has integrity. To think that just about everything in this nation has been subverted out from under us is too horrible for most people to get their minds around and they react defensively to the deep politics discussions. The more people that wake up, the safer we will all be. Thank the Lord that the number one group of awake Americans are our soldiers and veterans.
Well, I think that concludes all my thoughts on this crazy year. Has anyone else grown politically this last year or expanded their knowledge base?
Love the graphic. Everyone should be made to study Bastiat (and Hazlitt maybe!).
ReplyDeleteBack to the topic, I never for a moment believed this was a fair an honest election. I don't think we've had those for a loooooong time.
Yes, running crooked elections with the help of the media lets these power nuts stay in power.
DeleteGood summation. I do think there might be some good news, though. Summed it up in my last post. The good news is that this probably heralds the end of conservatives actually believing in the Republican party. I hope.
ReplyDeleteIt could go one of two ways: Either Obama and the left manage to completely subjugate the US within the next few years, in which case, the only good news is the Good News. Or things could, hopefully, go belly up so fast and so obviously due to socialist policies that America repents and learns that our hope isn't in government, or people, or money (and most Christian conservative voters seem so fixated on their wallets that they never notice that Republicans haven't done anything for the social platform in decades. Or ever. Anyway...) but in God.
I still haven't had time to watch hacking democracy, but I'm going to. I'm not quite as sold on the conspiracy angle as you are. Think that'll do it? ;-)
Yes, in the documentary, they have a county election official offer up a voting machine for them to test and what they found is that the machine can flip votes from 90-10 to 10-90 from just the memory card being jimmied. The election official said this kind of thing would go unnoticed by local officials and he could have certified it none the wiser.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThere has been no difference between the parties in years– and years–
ReplyDeleteSaw that as a young volunteer- when the R elites ‘gave’ us in CA a man named HUFFINGTON when our Congressman Dannemeyer was winning–
many veteran volunteers stopped volunteering and voted for the Dem-D. Feinstein-saying-"She would be better than HUFFINGTON…"
You all recognize the name HUFFINGTON – the X of Arianna Huffington of the Huffinton Post…That Huffington!
thanks R elites – for all you have done for our great Republic SARC..
That was the start of my post today-
Taking a few days off-
I did enjoy your summary --thank you for standing against tyranny..
Nothing like personal firsthand knowledge of how these people operate. Enjoy your vacation!
DeleteDannemeyer was another corporatist just like Feinstein and just like Huffington. There's no difference.
DeleteAnother telling quote, from Ambrose Bierce:
ReplyDeleteVote: The means by which a man makes a fool of himself and a wreck of his country.
This time, it was a clear example of that great Russian philosopher who said, it doesn't matter who votes; what matters is who counts the votes.
There are a lot of people feeling like fools this week. I guess the no voting argument paints the picture of these psychos doing their Nero-destructo act and the rest of us standing around disgusted, yet not involved.
DeleteIt was no great Russian philosopher that said "It doesn't matter who votes: what matters is who counts the votes." It was Joseph Stalin who said it.
DeleteThe corruption of both parties has been going on since before any of us were born. We are back to the Gilded Age when the robber barons owned the two parties and our elections. Instead of rail roads and the western expansion we now have military expansion into our local police departments and into places we shouldn't be in the middle east. Yet the Plutocrats and Oligarchs are making billions off our tax dollars for their war toys. Combine that with racism and the ridiculous ignorance in both party bases and all I can say is we're screwed!
ReplyDeleteGreat parallels between the two time periods. I find a fun study to do is to see who the daddy of these current oligarchs are. For instance, FBI director Robert Mueller's great granddaddy owned the Luawana Railroad in the Northeast. Mark Levin is funded by Dick Scaife who is heir to the Mellon fortune. Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt. On and on it goes...
DeleteYet all of those people you mentioned were rabid anti-communist. Calling Obama a Communist makes no sense. He's about as far from Communism as you can get. It's like saying Reagan was a Communist and we all know he wasn't. Seriously, you need to get your political terms up to date.
DeleteCommunism was funded by Wall Street. Seriously, you need to get informed on the real history of communism, of which I have many, many posts here about. Ronald Reagan indeed did move the socialist agenda forward in this country, while "fighting" the Soviet Union. Look up what Charlotte Iserbyt who got fired from his Dept. of Education for exposing the communist workforce training that was being carried out at the time. Lots of communist principles were moving forward all along. The way I see it, communism is a tool for the banksters to consolidate a nations wealth and bring it under their control.
DeleteThat's a bunch of conspiracy hogwash. First of all there is a difference between Socialism and Communism. A huge difference. Ronald Reagan moved forward was an economic Wall Street biased market economy. There is nothing Socialist or Communist in Wall Street. Wall Street moguls funded Hitler. Corporations including GE, IBM, much of the Auto Industry to name a few. The right wing in this country has been trying to get rid of the department of education since its inception. Banksters hate Communism. It's the exact opposite of profit making. The way Banksters consolidate the nation's wealth is by buying off the politicians and writing the laws themselves that their politicians pass. That's not Communism, that is called Fascism. Fascism is when corporations control the workings of government. That is what we have. Communism is the state control of production, property and labor. Communism is when it controls the business. Fascism is when business controls the government. There is a big difference in operation here. The bankers are fascists not communists.
DeleteBy the way, I know the real history of Communism and Fascism. And, I am completely aware of the difference between the two. I am also fully aware of the workings of government and policy making.
DeleteCharlotte Iserbyt is a loon if there ever is one. Talk about conspiracy theory trying to turn everything into a left wing conspiracy of brainwashing children and students. The woman shouldn't be given the time of day. When you have idiots like Horowitz claiming that African Americans should be grateful and owed a debt to whites for bringing them over from Africa as slaves, you are basically following a loon fringe movement bent on propaganda and lies to suit their agenda. Horowitz is the protegae of Iserbyt. He is the driving force behind the movement for “academic freedom” in Ohio and other states, has a distinguished history of intellectual defamation, historical inaccuracy and political bullying. In 2005, the state of Ohio was considering a bill that would prohibit public and private college professors from introducing “controversial matter” into the classroom and shift oversight of college course content to state governments and courts. The language of the bill comes from right-wing activist David Horowitz’s “Academic Bill of Rights". Talk about government censorship of the classroom and the squashing of academic freedom of speech. Anyone for freedom and education should be totally opposed to this kind of government infringement in the classroom where critical thinking includes bringing up tough topics and controversial ones at that.
DeleteThe way I see it, those who claim to be outraged by the results are not taking to the streets in protest or any other action, but pointing their fingers at anyone possible to blame.
ReplyDeleteWell I'll accept the blame if they'll take responsibility for pushing Rmoney on us!
Don't hold your breath waiting for them to figure out why Romney was forced upon us all.