These statistics are a few years old, but give you a sense of how homeschooling stacks up.
Where the Sphere of Domesticity is Fired Up! And the Memory Hole Gets Stopped Up!
The kindergarten or infant school has a significant part to play in the child’s education. Not only can it correct many of the errors of home training, but it can also prepare the child for membership, at about the age of seven, in a group of his own age and habits—the first of many such social identifications that he must achieve on his way to membership in the world society.-UNESCO Training booklet 1951
The ordinary teacher spends a good share of her time changing the cultural
and intellectual habits which the child acquires from its family and surrounding culture. Or else the teacher duplicates home training, in a complete waste of time. Here we can almost say that the school is the family, and vice versa. [emphasis in original]
-- BF Skinner, Walden II 1948
Large families can be changed from an economic asset to an economic liability if all members of society can be offered the prospect that through work, saving, and deferred spending they can achieve economic security for themselves and their children. For the already affluent middle class, larger families can be made an economic liability by increasing the incentives for and the costs of advanced education for their children....
Cultural changes to reduce the social pressure to marry and have a family can be pursued by changing educational materials which glorify married life and family life as the only “normal” life pattern, by granting greater public recognition to non-married and non-family life styles, by facilitating careers for single women....
--Revised report of population subcommittee, Governor's Advisory Council on Environmental Quality” for the State of Michigan, April 6, 1971