
We are told that it took 20 minutes for police to arrive on the scene at the Sandy Hook Massacre. We get this information from the CNN timeline posted by The Lonely Conservative who also thinks 20 minutes is a tad long for a 911 school shooting call.
But anyway, I did something really interesting: I used this thing called mapquest, and about 30 seconds worth of internet searching to obtain the addresses of both the school and the police station. I then entered these into mapquest to obtain a driving time between the two points. I know, I'm a real journalist that way. So I find that the police station and the school are only 2.14 miles apart, and it only takes five minutes to drive it, and I'm assuming the speed limit through most of that is 30 - 45 miles an hour. If they turned on the sirens and really moved, I think they could have managed it in like 90 seconds if they were really trying that is. Could be that they were all at the FEMA training going on in Bridgeport about 30 miles away that same day and time. The topic? Planning for children in emergenices.
Also food for thought is a local CT cop who has his own questions on the Sandy Hook situation:
Good work.
ReplyDeleteCould it have been possible that Adam Lanza knew the coppers were out of town?
You cannot send everyone to school. Love to know who they left behind. Then of course there is the city, county, state cop overlap.
Excellent. You are still my fav.
A quick look at Wikipedia says that the city has 47 uniformed policemen. Newtown is the fifth biggest populated area in CT. The state is the fourth densest for population. While a long response time might be believable for someone out in Wyoming, when you're only a hours drive from the Big Apple, it really doesn't fly as well.
DeleteThere are no counties in Connecticut, only townships and the state police. I might have to dig around to find the entire scanner recorded. There are a lot of things about this case that are totally off the hook weird.
All the more reason for the citizens to be armed. In Fayette County, TN, which is about 728 square miles; we have three sheriffs deputies to cover the whole county at night. If you have a problem, you had better be able to defend yourself because it may take a while for help to arrive even though they do a good job.
ReplyDeleteGood work, I would not have thought of this.
You know that out in the country no expects the cops to show up for anything but the paperwork.
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ReplyDeleteYou know that out in the country no expects the cops to show up for anything but the paperwork.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is why the leftist powers-that-be are trying so desperately either to disarm us or to render unusable the arms we-the-people possess. They know there are still more people out "in the country" than there are in the urban areas into which they are trying to herd us...and it scares them.
I'd say they're very, very afraid. When Congress has a below 10% approval rating, over half the country doesn't go rah! rah! for a political party anymore, and more and more people are figuring out that our money is being offshored, the Elite will use all their tools to get the advantage.
DeleteObama has now said that gun control is a top priority for him. (It always has been, but now he has made it public). Even the EPA is in the game< they want to outlaw lead bullets as environmental contamination. This is going to be a busy year for freedom lovers.
ReplyDeleteThe gun control has been an ongoing project of the Elite since at least 1962. These people have been caught trafficking in children, bar-bee-quing them alive, so it's not much a stretch to think that they'd shoot up a kindergarden to get total control.
Obama expanded the gun rights in this country. He hasn't done one thing about gun laws. That's the fact. You youtube video just fans the flames of fear when reason tells you that no one is confiscating your guns.
DeletePut down the crack pipe, dude. Sheesh. The man made a big deal his first campaign dissing bitter gun clingers. He tried to frame American gun sellers for what his ATF agents did in Fast and Furious. His globalist compatriot Dianne Feinstein has got a confiscation bill.
DeleteThe way they work it is making you re-register and the second you don't, making it a penalty or a crime. This went on in the UK after the Dunblane school shooting, in Austrialia after their "mass shooting', etc. The real Crocodile Dundee was murdered for not handing his over. Take your Orwell talk, denying the reality of what's going on and stick it up your utopian pipe dream.
That was a long video, but I hope that guy wins. Good luck with the machines pre-programmed. I don't know anyone who voted for Corker here in this last election and the Tea Party ran the greatest guy against him and got like 5% of the vote.
No Orwell speak here. There have been no laws passed to limit gun rights in this country sine Obama was elected. Those are just the facts. The ATF did not supply the drug cartels with the bountiful of guns and weapons they have. That is also fact. The ATF is a problem along with the DEA that is for sure. But they have not been supplying the huge proliferation of guns to cartels. They come up to L.A, San Diego and other border cities to buy their weapons. It's that easy. Much of those gun deals you talk about were started under Bush. Unfortunately, all the Bush policies are now Obama policies. So much for change. If there is that much fear and suspicion of government it is a much more serious issue than all this piddling around with the Second Amendment.
DeleteCarrying guns into the national forests are now legal, that's just one expansion of so called gun rights in this country. One thing Obama was correct in saying is that people do cling to their guns. All the while we have more problems with the 1st amendment being violated than the 2nd. Where is your outrage when it comes to that?
DeleteUm, sure there are quite a few conservatives who would like to burn books, but the 1st amendment is most violated by liberals in indoctrination centers by preaching the importance and beauty of 'diversity' is best defended by manpiling on any speech that offends others, thus forcing compliance with the will of the collective and group-think on all.
DeleteIt's also funny that indirect insinuations of both the DS and Senate Benghazi reports are that we armed the bad guys and disarmed the good guys from having sufficient on-site security against a threat of our own making, while the very same people want to disarm our own citizens from their only effective means of self-protection while they arm others to overthrow governments around the world. They certainly couldn't say that outright for it's particularly damning of the insanity of it all.
It's only after you try to call 911 for help that you ultimately realize that on-hand self protection rocks. Besides, when the police show up to draw their chalklines, they nearly always compromise the forensics.
I view beauty and diversity are good things however they are separate issue from the manpiling on any speech that offends others. That said, I'm not sure what you are getting at entirely when it comes to speech that offends others. Could you give me an example or few that would offend others? And what is a liberal indoctination center? Since we don't have any real institutions that are labeled as such, it's vague.
DeleteAs far as the rest of the post, you're right our politicians who make the policy for the CIA, Military, ATF and DEA to carry out are stupid and many times self destructive. Including the arming of the mujahadeen in Afghanistan during the Soviet War in that country. But I have yet to see our government disarm others in our own country. It hasn't happened, isn't happening and despite the NRA's fear mongering since 1972, gun laws have become more and more relaxed over time because the politicians fear the NRA.
I'm not saying people shouldn't have guns in their homes to protect themselves. I'm saying that the guns in this country should not go over 5 shots in the clip. There is no need. I've never had to have a gun to protect myself and never plan on getting one. If you feel the need to have one go for it.
That's the problem, you say you don't need a gun so why does anyone else? Why do they need more than 5 shots is like saying you wear pants with a 30" waist so all pants sold should have a 30" waist and everyone else must fit into them. But you're not them. You don't live where they live and you don't face the same threats.
DeleteWhen the federal government imposed the drive 55 mandatory speed limit to the states, no one on the east coast where all the towns are a few miles apart had much of a problem with it, but what about people in Montana with huge distances between towns? The greenies scream about people using SUVs and pickup trucks and want rebates to help them afford electric vehicles and penalize those who don't, but they're not farmers or soccer moms who need those trucks and SUVs.
What if you live in an area where crime is rampant and there you are with your one gun with your five shots and three criminals break into your house, all with guns themselves?
One size simply doesn't fit all. And the people who preach diversity is good want everyone to conform to their lifestyle, morals, and ways of thinking.
It's unfathomable to most that a Nuon Chea and Pol Pot will ever come into power here to replicate the killing fields of Kampuchea. A new Hitler will never rise to create another holocaust. But the sad fact is that genocides have taken place all over the world where people don't expect it and the ones killed have been disarmed and such events will continue to happen in the future. Heck, Democrats already introduced a bill HJRes 15 to repeal the 22nd amendment to get rid of term limits so they can run Obama again in 2016 if we still have a country left.
A liberal indoctrination center is pretty much any public school or college or university. My daughter had to do a Kwanzaa exercise in first grade in our conservative area in the first grade. I explained to the teacher that Kwanzaa was not native to Africa, but was cooked up by some pinko profs at USC in 1967. It uses corn in the ritual and corn is not native to Africa!!! The ten lights of Kwanzaa represent the ten points of the communist freaking manifesto, but the poor teacher didn't have a clue and was just doing what was handed to her. That's one example. When you get up into high school or college and dare to write a paper from the traditional American perspective, be prepared to get your F, for not conforming to the official thought pattern. That's part of the whole reason I majored in engineering.
DeleteAnd in Memphis, the crooks there rob gas stations with AKs, but I'm not sure how many rounds they have in their clips, but I'm sure they could care less about what "its supposed to be".
Celebration of Kwanzaa is the least of our worries. And what version of "Traditional American Perspective" are you talking about? Our country has always been multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-experiential and multi-experimental. We're a nation of immigrants from every nation in the world for Pete's sake.
DeleteMy outrage at first amendment violations are all over this blogs archives. Obama's AG is on videotape saying that "we'll have to brainwash people into gun control". Dear Lord in heaven, this is all part of a multi-decade long plan to shred the Constitution and create a global communist dictatorship. To act like there is not a plan to curtail the ability of American's to defend themselves, the starting point of every tyranny in the history of the world, is to be super-dense. Every gun crisis from Reagan assassination to this recent episode always serves to bring up the anti-gun propaganda.
ReplyDeleteI know for a FACT that the whole drug war and the guns that accompany it was the invention of our own government. It is the fastest way to rot a community, providing a lucrative kickback market that was not previously there. In 1900, you could order heroin out of the Sears catalog, in 2000, you can buy off law enforcement with it, fund the CIA's black ops, and destablize a nation for corporate profit. Like the mighty buffalo, they use all the parts.
Government indeed thrives on crime. It's the fertilizer which allows them to grow like a cancer.
DeleteYes you are right about the drug war. And Banks like B of A are laundering the world's drug money. So they profit off it enormously. It's also to fill private prisons so politicians like Jan Brewer of Arizona can profit by filling those privatized prisons up. Private Prisons partly owned and heavily invested in by Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs I might add. It's sick. I agree.
DeleteConstitution shredding has been going on since Reagan as well. Shrub increased it 100 fold. Obama is carrying on with Bush policies, nothing has changed as was promised because these companies mentioned above own the government. This is not communism, this is fascism (corporate dictatorship). The Wall Street corporate powers that be(including the gun manufacturing lobby and business) would have no problem with us shooting each other dead as long as it keeps the guns from pointing at them for the crimes they have committed against the rest of us through the banking scandals. Seriously, the gun issue is a side issue. No one is going to take the rights away to have/own a gun. It just isn't going to happen from either party. Regulations will happen but taking guns away isn't. And with this president I seriously doubt any regulations will happen either. So we will just have to live with a society that lone gunmen who mass murder children and teachers or hair dressers, any any other people who happen to be in the way of the gunman. Because no one gives a crap.
Constitution shredding has been going on since Wilson, maybe since Garfield got shot. When you trace these individuals back, you'll find their blue-blooded granddaddies hanging around the same circles.
DeleteI've come to the opinion that fascism (Wall Street) runs communism as its foil-see my Wall Street series for the state dept cables, receipts, etc.
Regulations preceeded gun grabs in Austria, the UK, and all over Europe. Now they want to ban long knifes in the UK for all the stabbings. The problem is not with the instrument, but the darkness of the human heart, of which I very much give a crap, saying that today is the day of salvation.
I don't believe in "lone gunmen" in cases where the story changes a zillion times. For all I know the fascist masters of our "system" (I won't dignify it with the world government.) Shot Nancy Lanza in her bed, took her guns and her kid, blew him away and dropped him in the school with the weapons. After charring children in Waco, poisoning 10,000 during Prohibition, MK Ultra, the Franklin Coverup/child sex trafficking, a couple of kindergartens is no sweat. These people are crazy weirdo power obssessed freaks, and I wouldn't put anything past them.
RM, Fascism is the opposite of Communism. Communism is an economic system in which all production is pooled and then equally distributed as needed among the populace. This is the last thing Wall Street who owns and runs our government wants. So simply put they are fascists. I think it is important to know that Wall Street is seriously our enemy. I agree with you 100000% there. But the notion that they are behind the killings? No, not going to even go there. We have a lot nut jobs psychopath killers in this country to do their own damage. We always have.
ReplyDeleteOk, dude - don't patronize me. Have you read my Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution series? No you haven't. If you had, you'd see where the Fed Reserve Chairman gave one million bucks to get the Bolsheviks started. If you were really motivated, you could read Sutton's three part series on the transfer of technology to the Soviet Union, without GE they would still be carrying lanterns around, without Ford, they'd be using their sickles for the wheat harvest. American engineers came over and supervised the building of the communist factories, on the dime of the big firms. Hence Sutton wrote a simpler, less technical book entitled "The Best Enemy Money Can Buy".
DeleteRowan Gaither of the Ford Foundation, a tax-exempt front for the Wall Street interests said that the goal of his organization was to make life in the United States so that it could be merged with the Soviet Union. When communism is being run by fascism, look out for the super=totalitarianism that's headed your way. Wall Street LOVES communsim when they control the top of it. And the needs of the populace are never met- malnutrition and death panel health care are the norms.
Do you deny that the narrative of Sandy Hook has changed so many times for a simple lone nut story?
Do you deny that powerful men in this country engage in child rape and kidnapping (Franklin Scandal)
Do you deny that 25 children were burned alive by the ATF in Waco?
Do you deny that 10,000 people were poison deliberatly by the government during Prohibition, with no reprucussions?
Do you actually believe that Oswald was the lone gunman? They like their lone gunman narrative because once you 86 him, there's no trial and you just use the crisis to push the next agenda.
So Wall Street funded the Soviet Union, was responsible for setting up the ChiComs, resulting in the deaths of millions and millions of people, but they couldn't kill a bunch of kids? Naive, man.
What reason would the government want elementary children murdered?
ReplyDeleteFor the rest of it where is your documented proof.
I don't believe Oswald was a lone gunman but that is a political assassination which is far different than murdering kids.
Ford, GM and IBM funded the Nazi's too. They will fund anyone if they can profit off them no matter what the ideology. It's about money, greed and power. WWI was an imperialist war and the Capitalist will fund anyone if they think they will profit from it and expand their markets. Once again proving my point that they are fascists. German banks were also funding the Bolshevics for the same reason. But I'm not talking about the Left of the old Soviet Union. I'm talking about the left of today. The one that Wall Street is fearful of and is suppressing through the FBI. They aren't funding them like they are the tea party.
It's called a pretext to force political change. They've done it everywhere else: Dunblane, Austrailia, Gladio Op. Documented proof? If I had it, I would probably be dead. The cops were assigned to each family supposedly to keep the media away, but more likely control leaks. The 20 minute response time is outrageous. There are many holes in this story that a thinking person can't help but stop and think.
ReplyDeleteYou really need to understand that there is no left and right, but only corporate interests running socialism/communism to lock down resources and people. The people involve 100 years ago descendants are literally running the same con game today.
There many holes to every media story. Why is that? Because they are not only incompetent but because they are corporate owned. I don't buy the conspiracy theory that the government is behind this.
ReplyDeleteI believe that corporate interests run everything. But they are not socialist or communist. Eugene V.Debs was a Socialist and corporations hated this guy. He was put in prison for his beliefs that WWI was an act of imperialist aggression and it was immoral. So when you call corporatists socialists you are insulting people who fought for the rights of workers in this country.
Bless your heart. You don't know the history, please read the Wall Street series where you'll find JP Morgan funding socialists in the US.
DeleteActually, the Socialist party in America was never funded by Wall Street. I don't know where you get your information from but it is wrong. They funded the Republican party, the Democratic party and the Bull Moose party at the time but not the Socialist party.
DeleteI'm talking about John Reed, who's writings were funded by Morgan interests. You may have heard of Barron's magazine. Here is Mr. Barron himself recounting a conversation aboard ship:
DeleteAboard S.S. Aquitania, Friday Evening, February 1, 1919.
Spent the evening with the Dohenys in their suite. Mr. Doheny said: If you believe in democracy you cannot believe in Socialism. Socialism is the poison that destroys democracy. Democracy means opportunity for all. Socialism holds out the hope that a man can quit work and be better off. Bolshevism is the true fruit of socialism and if you will read the interesting testimony before the Senate Committee about the middle of January that showed up all these pacifists and peace-makers as German sympathizers, Socialists, and Bolsheviks, you will see that a majority of the college professors in the United States are teaching socialism and Bolshevism and that fifty-two college professors were on so-called peace committees in 1914. President Eliot of Harvard is teaching Bolshevism. The worst Bolshevists in the United States are not only college professors, of whom President Wilson is one, but capitalists and the wives of capitalists and neither seem to know what they are talking about. William Boyce Thompson is teaching Bolshevism and he may yet convert Lamont of J.P. Morgan & Company. Vanderlip is a Bolshevist, so is Charles R. Crane. Many women are joining the movement and neither they, nor their husbands, know what it is, or what it leads to. Henry Ford is another and so are most of those one hundred historians Wilson took abroad with him in the foolish idea that history can teach youth proper demarcations of races, peoples, and nations geographically.
Ludwig Martins, the Lusk Committee, the Hammers, etc.
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