Although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is, in some respects, one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked... in which I have spoken of so many important things done by Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply, To the superiority of their women.

--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Mitt Romney Nose Pin?

Hilarious, if we weren't living in a nightmare and all.
ht Daily Paul

Also humorous, but a little more real, is the super-rich yacht party Mitt threw right after the convention for the biggest bundlers on a yacht called the Cracker Bay owned by the Villiages CEO, Gary Morse . This boat proudly flies the Cayman Islands flag, the proud home of tax dodgers across America. Now I'm not saying that Mitt Romney is one of them, but I can't say that for sure seeing how no one is allowed to see his tax returns. But anyway, you just couldn't make up this kind of stuff could you?
ht Salon
236 years and to see the potential POTUS hanging around a Union Jack like that makes me a little sick. But I must be some kind of subversive for feeling that way. I'm sure Mitt and his ObamaRomneyCare will have a mental health provision to get my brain good and cleaned out and I won't have these betrayed feelings anymore. 


  1. to be honest- if I could void the excessive taxes - I'd do the same---

    you know how I feel about the Trojan Horse we have been given by the elites in the GOP--

  2. Oh hell no! I'm voting independent this time. Romney's a twit and Paul Ryan is as scary as it gets. The man lies lies lies lies. I'm voting write in or Gary Johnson.

    1. Hear, hear! It's time Americans get their rebellious attitude back on.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Congrats Chuck, that's the first time I've ever deleted a comment.

      But in the interests of free speech, you said that Anon is electing a communist by voting for something besides our communist-funding oligarchical faux two party (but really a one party) candidate.

      The Jr. High vulgar stuff doesn't go so well on a Christian mom's site.

      Please check out my Wall Street series, wherein we follow the documented FACTS that the monopoly men use communists like Obamney to reach their goals of world domination.

  3. What a pity to know someone was cursed with a gutless coward for a mother. You're Brakabama's only hope. Keep up the good work. He appreciates you more than you'll ever know. Knowing you're a gutless coward, I'm sure you'll delete this message as well.

  4. Chuck, the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results. The Gutless coward is one who cannot accept the rapidly changing world we live in and insists on forcing his or her b.s on the rest of us. I don't give a crap about what political persuasion you are coming from. Both parties have one thing in mind, making the 1% richer and the rest of us as serfs. Voting Romney/Ryan is the stupidest thing you can do if you are expecting any kind of change at all.

    1. By the way, Romney/Ryan plans on lowering the 1%'s taxes while raising the rest of ours. Their taxes are lower than mine already!

  5. In the Old Testament when Israel kept backsliding into sin, one way God punished them is by allowing bad leaders over them. I think today in the USA we have progressed to a sin level beyond anything Israel ever did. In 1934, a true prophet named Arthur Pink wrote an article to preachers castigating them for preaching an all love gospel and removing a proper teaching and understanding of God's Law from the church. He predicted,"When they removed a proper understanding of Law from the church, you will see crime rise higher and higher in the world." (paraphased)
    It is here and it is now. The only thing that is going to save our bacon is a repenting of sin starting in the church and salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. If you are looking for salvation in the RNC or DNC think again.

    1. The church is a real mission field in itself. I'm pretty scared for a lot of these who have accepted an "all love gospel" and don't seem to have any fear of God before them.

      It's a lost and dying world, for sure. Salvation by politics is an oxymoron.

  6. Except we don't have an all love gospel. This is a myth. Quite the opposite. We have an all wealth gospel. Christ was not about wealth or riches or accumulation of power. The Christian church grew due to early early Christians acting on love as Christ had taught. Christianity grew because Christians went out and healed the poor, the less fortunate, those who needed help. They did it without bragging, without judgement, without expecting to be paid back in any way. It was through their love, their commitment to the word and life of Christ and the new covenant that their numbers grew. They lived by example. It was the opposite of the Roman empire at that time. Their numbers grew and grew and grew until the Roman emperor sanctioned it as the national religion. That is when Christianity was entirely corrupted!!! Salvation through politics is an oxymoron for sure and this history has proven that! The greatest salvation to all religion was the Enlightenment when our founders of this country separated church and state. I am a Christian but I do not agree with every Christian, nor do I want any one denomination of Christianity to tell me through state power what the right way to worship God or Christ is. That would be the worst thing for Christianity ever. But Christ was Love. The Prince of Peace, the one who loved Jews, Gentiles and Pagans a like. He did not discriminate and he was not the jealous God of the Old Testament. We Christians have much to learn STILL from him in this regard.

    1. When we're talking "all love" gospel, its the one that says you really don't have to repent. Thus, there are so many worldly people who are making Christianity look bad. You can't tell between them and a nonbeliever at all.

      Christianity is supposed to be simple. But so many churches make it complicated by adding facilities and programs. The problem with the church is, is that they're not killing us anymore.

    2. Repenting means that you give up old ways of thinking and doing things, including greed and hurting others based on greed. This was the way of Christ. There are lots of people out there who have supposedly repented but really haven't. Apparently it isn't as simple as it seems.

  7. I guess I need the clothespin because I will not take a chance on my non-vote making a difference. Big Government politicians are a bane on our freedoms but Republicans are at least on a slower boat toward globalism and socialism. Obama would have us there next week by executive order, if possible.
    The Cayman Islands are a wonderful place--I WISH I had money there but I would prefer it to be in the form of a house on the beach, not in a bank :)

    1. Globalism is perpetuated by both parties at the same rate. There's no difference between the two. As far as Socialism is concerned both parties are promoting a Socialism for the markets and Wall Street at equally the same rate.

    2. That's going to be the mean joke, when Romney pulls the football out from under these conservatives, and starts executive ordering what Obama is doing too.

    3. Just keep practicing that 1st ammendment, 2nd ammendment and 4th ammendment thing...and work to change the rest. I am not at the point where I am giving up on America. The Tea Party has made great strides for a grassroots movement, libertarians are much more mainstream, there is hope, really. All most of us want is a government that leaves us alone.

    4. Um, are you not comprehending what happened in that rule change at the convention? There will be NO MORE grassroots participation in the Republican party thanks to Mitt and his buds. We've just been permanently locked out of the process.

  8. Well, Obama pulled the rug out from his voters too when he carried on the George W. Bush policies. Like I said, it's one party with two wings: The right wing and the extreme right wing.

    1. Just like George Bush continued Clinton's agenda, Mitt will continue Obama's.
      Time to get a clue.

  9. And, Clinton continued Ronnie's agenda.


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