Well, we're all still here, and all Bibi did was draw a bomb with a red line on top. For more on the Iran situation, Dr. Pieczenik has a great post on the inside baseball (he was the guy in charge of negotiating for the hostages, ya know, and then quit in the middle of it for reasons he will probably reveal later.)
I've been working on this post awhile, just another case study into the people who "cry peace, peace" but seem to have collecivizing on their mind.
Starting with the 1966 Bilderberg dump from Infowars, (this is a pdf) I thought I'd pick out a case study in subversion and infiltration, whether witting or unwitting.
The documents linked above were leaked from the private papers of Fred Harris, former US Senator and 1966 Bilderberg attendee. You'll find that the UAW union was also there with a personal letter from Walter Reuther, it's president. You'll also note that in these people's world, they're already living in world government and they speak in terms of their "world congress" and such. Much of these documents have to do with the problem of price and wage controls to mitigate "inflation" (which is caused by their bullcrap fiat currencies and manipulations) These papers could be mined endlessly, but I picked the case of Joe Weingarten, who wrote to Senator Harris asking for support for his World Institute for World Peace.
This is an excerpt from a Houston Post advertisement from Joe Weingarten, a supermarket mogul from Texas, in 1966.
Mao Tse Tung - I think you have all heard of him. Isn't it hysterically sick that he would be mentioned in a peace article whilst he was starving millions upon millions of his middle class away?
As always, I find it interesting to see where these people are today. So here is the map of Weingarten's company today - the JP Morgan connection is icing on the cake. In case you don't read regularly, JP Morgan facilitated the funding of the Soviet Union and are a major vehicle for funding collectivization.
The blessings of world peace come from trusting in the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus who has already overcome the evil, dying world with His finished work on the Cross.
I've been working on this post awhile, just another case study into the people who "cry peace, peace" but seem to have collecivizing on their mind.
Starting with the 1966 Bilderberg dump from Infowars, (this is a pdf) I thought I'd pick out a case study in subversion and infiltration, whether witting or unwitting.
The documents linked above were leaked from the private papers of Fred Harris, former US Senator and 1966 Bilderberg attendee. You'll find that the UAW union was also there with a personal letter from Walter Reuther, it's president. You'll also note that in these people's world, they're already living in world government and they speak in terms of their "world congress" and such. Much of these documents have to do with the problem of price and wage controls to mitigate "inflation" (which is caused by their bullcrap fiat currencies and manipulations) These papers could be mined endlessly, but I picked the case of Joe Weingarten, who wrote to Senator Harris asking for support for his World Institute for World Peace.
This is an excerpt from a Houston Post advertisement from Joe Weingarten, a supermarket mogul from Texas, in 1966.
I know some of this tiny to read, but click the link on the top line to get the whole zoomable shebang. The numbered points were what had been achieved to date. I thought it would be interesting to look into this stuff with our 20/20 hindsight.
Raga S. Elim - look like I found him here talking to the Kiwanis
Wayne State Univeristy looks like to be still in the Peace Racket
Dr. Russell H. Broadhead - can't find him right now.
Rice University - their research centers listing looks like the Borg Cube planning office. The James Baker Institute for Public Policy, etc.
Dr. Quincy Wright - studied war and did a lot of groundbreaking work in international law. I would also like to point out that he went to the University of Chicago in the early 1900's, and as students of untold history know that institution was a Rockefeller expert factory.
Univeristy of Michigan - If I recall my Isebyt, a lot of nefarious studies were done in the UM system in education.
Dr. Glen Olds - consultant to JFK on the Peace Corps and VISTA. He was president of Kent State after the unpleasantness there, and then moved to Alaska. Note that Rahm Emmanuel discussed the possibility of mandatory national service that would build upon programs such as these.
Dr. William Caudill - an achitect who designed funky '50s building and did work for the State Dept.
Dr. IG Protovskii - a Russian attendee of a "peace conference", a mathematician from Moscow State in the '50s
Luther Evans - a World Federalist who was the Librarian of Congress and pushed the international peace agenda (read: world collectivism). Behold the nugget of Rockefeller machinery and bankster organizations mentioned in his wiki page:
He also served with various U.S. delegations during the forming of UNESCO. In 1953 he resigned from the Library to accept a position as UNESCO's third Director General, the only American to hold this post.Father Hesburgh was the guy who was also President of the Rockefeller Foundation and definitely pushed liberalism in for the Catholics.
He was active in international peace issues throughout his life, serving in many capacities with educational organizations and commissions. He served as President of the United World Federalists in 1970 - 1976, and his thinking of this period is seen in his testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the U.S. House of Representatives on February 4, 1975 concerning "The United Nations in the 1970s: Recommendations for U.S. Policy". Working with a range of other Americans prominent in foreign policy, including Father Theodore Hesburgh of Notre Dame, Norman Cousins of Saturday Review, James Grant of the Overseas Development Council, anthropologist Margaret Mead, World Federalist Chairman H. Donald Wilson, and World Bank president Robert McNamara, Evans organized an organization called New Directions. New Directions was to be a U.S. citizen's lobby on international issues modeled on Common Cause. It worked for a time, and helped pass the Panama Canal Treaty, but was ultimately unable to find enough funds to sustain it for the long term.
Mao Tse Tung - I think you have all heard of him. Isn't it hysterically sick that he would be mentioned in a peace article whilst he was starving millions upon millions of his middle class away?
As always, I find it interesting to see where these people are today. So here is the map of Weingarten's company today - the JP Morgan connection is icing on the cake. In case you don't read regularly, JP Morgan facilitated the funding of the Soviet Union and are a major vehicle for funding collectivization.
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Weingarten Today |
In the meantime, if all people everywhere would just follow the Golden Rule, we'd have an instantly more peaceful world.
Blogging is so much fun because you get to solve all the world's problems! Implementing the solutions is another ballgame!
"Blogging is so much fun because you get to solve all the world's problems! Implementing the solutions is another ballgame!"
ReplyDeleteYup! That implimentation parts always is the part we never seem to resolve.
It would seem our solutions are the not the one of TPTB.
DeleteKent State was an 'unpleasantness?' Last time I looked it was military state sponsored murder of civilian students who were unarmed.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Israel is concerned: Not one drop of American blood should be shed for Israel. Let them fight their own battles. If they are foolish enough to engage Iran into a war, it's their fight not ours. God knows we give Israel enough military aid, we don't need American lives to be forfeited for them. Enough have been forfeited for oil and oil profits already in the middle east already.
Southern satire, buddy. Sometimes the War of Northern Aggression was called The Unpleasantness.
DeleteI totally agree with your Israel assessment. If it truly is of God, then God will keep it.
Christ was a collectivist. Most Just Peace Christians already know this and work for peace every day in his name. I have no problems with peace studies. Most programs are about communications issues, cultural issues, issues of poverty and ways to bring more awareness to the table when dialoguing with other cultures and countries. We have a war department and that hasn't gotten us too far on the road to peace in the world now has it? BTW, our nation's history since it's beginning is full of collectivist societies. It works on a small scale. With the economy going the way it is more than likely we will pick up this tradition with small collectives in the future. The only thing certain in life is it changes. Everything is in transition and is transitory. That's life.
ReplyDeleteThe thing about this peace study is that it highlighted Chairman Mao. Jesus Christ is going to judge us all individually, which makes him different than the stereotyping collectivist. God's government is decentralized. Yes, there have been communes in the US, and just about all of them failed. The Bible says the destruction will come upon these peace and safety criers in short order, while they are crying it. You cannot have true peace without the Holy Spirit.
DeleteAnd, you cannot have peace while advocating fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. It rots the soul, corrupts the heart and destroys motivation for working for a better world for all, not just one form of Christian belief system. Sorry, I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where it says the destruction will come upon these peace criers in short order. I do remember the Beatitudes where is says "Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons of God,." or children of God. Or, in James 3:18, "And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace." I'll take those who advocate peace no matter what religion or secular practice they come from over any belief system that advocates war on behalf of their God. I don't care what religion that is, it's false. As far as collectives go, yes, many failed but that was mostly due to the enormous system change that happened in the 19th century called the industrial revolution.
ReplyDeleteWho's advocating fear, but those using the pretext of atomic destruction to put their one-world government in place?
DeleteThe verse of which I speak is I Thess 5:3
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
The whole point of this post was to connect the nefarious "expert" factories to a false peace which will be the tool of the antichrist, who seeks to take God's place and be worshipped as God. In Thessalonians, we are warned to be watchful of those who promote a FALSE peace, wrought of men's hands. The Bible says blessed are the peacemakers, but also warns of those using peace as a pretext to deceive.
The Lucis Trust, for example is a demonic organization that seeks to have peace amongst all peoples, but says that Lucifer was truly the enlightened one. When bringing in the NWO, Bible-believing Christians and people of all faiths that don't go along will be on the bloody receiving end of this "peace".
The American communes of the 19th century disintegrated not because of the industrial revolution, but because of infighting mostly, that and some of them were morally diseased. The Shakers died out because they believed sex was sinful, ie.
Actually, there are many reasons why communes of the past have failed. 1. is dogmatism in their utopian ideals.
Delete2. economics.
3. people moving to the city from rural communes for more opportunity.
But economics drives people no matter what. And communes today are reinventing themselves and are on the rise since the 1990's.
There are also new things going on in small communities and businesses that go around this entire corporate dependency. People are coming up with solutions to this failed corporate capitalism. They are focusing on the local economics and buying, employing, trading and selling from and to the community and giving back to that community. Businesse Co-Ops are popping up where the workers own the business. And they are having an effect. This decreases buying from China and also takes a hell of a lot less oil energy. I find it incredibly hopeful. There's a great PBS special made in 2010 about the movement that is growing. It's produced and hosted by David Brancaccio called "Fixing the Future."
If it were only that simple to say it's economics that drives people beyond all else, it would be much easier to find solutions. Jacques Ellul makes a pretty good case that instead man is enslaved by something he called 'la Technique', which includes, but is more than just technology. People move to cities, not solely for the opportunity, but also for the technological conveniences and the entertainment. But does it make us more free? For example, cars give us 'freedom', yet we spend some of that freedom sitting in traffic jams.
DeleteDue to convenience and that the work has become so fragmented that no one is held responsible, thinking and inner reflection has been replaced by reflex. Ellul provides a horrific example, "The person in charge of the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen was asked, during the Auschwitz trial, the Nuremburg trials regarding Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen, but didn't you find it horrible? All those corpses? He replied: What could I do? The capacity of the ovens was too small. I couldn't process all those corpses. It caused me many problems. I had no time to think about those people. I was too busy with that technical problem of my ovens. That was the classic example of an irresponsible person. He carries out his technical task and he's not interested in anything else."
Ellul also says, "In the past, sacred things always derived from nature. Currently, nature has been completely desecrated and we consider technology as something sacred."
We condemn Muslims, but individuals in many Islam dominated societies are forced to participate along with the radical elements within their society or the consequences are horrendous. Efficiency of technology leads to more power. Technology doesn't tolerate moral judgement, therefore we see things like mass killings with drones with less public outcry than Occupy Wall Streeters breaking a few windows. We'd rather not think about the moral implications, after all, those killed with drones are just savages, aren't they? Are we really any better?
And as for your contention that small communities are solving problems with failed "corporate capitalism", the system is fighting that with more and more regulations and then raiding food co-ops or farmers selling raw milk for failure to abide by imposed regulations. I like to call it corporate cronyism instead for it is not pure capitalism, rather corporations using government to corrupt the system of free markets. There was a time when government was used to deter monopolies, now it encourages them for its own convenience. It's much easier to rule over a few large "too big to fail" corporations than thousands of smaller ones. Also, the earth cannot provide for 7 billion people and more with subsitence farming alone so the resurgence of small communities can only have so much minor impact. Corporate cronyism of industrial farming is winning despite their efforts.
rM does one heck of a job showing how we've lost our moral compass. Ellul does as well, proposing that it's due to something beyond economics.
I'll look for "Fixing the Future", and recommend you take a look at the 6 segments of this interview of Ellul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-h56AXIKic
I agree that locally trading and trying to be as self-sufficient as possible, starting with your family and branching out to the local community. I buy local meat, for example. We should definitely be working our way from the corporate products and to those made by human beings who value humanity.
DeleteThanks for the kind works, Frank, lots of good points.
I agree with many of your points Frank. Very good points too I might add. Thanks for clarifying. As far as your technocratic totalitarianism is concerned, I haven't read the person you mentioned but I believe Herbert Marcuse talks about this very thing in his book One-Dimensional Man.
DeleteBut one thing is certain with corporate farming, it will ultimately collapse. We cannot continue agricultural practices of monoculture crops. It's inevitable that it will collapse. Our current weather patterns are only going to push it over the edge. I'm not even talking about the Monsanto GMO's that are being produced and have been tested and proven to cause cancers and serious health problems in rats. And, pests are mutating to tolerate their pesticides and GMO's. It's a brave new scary world. There is only so much people are going to take until they explode. If all that you say about corporate regulations being passed to squash the small communities, then the black market will gain. It's inevitable. Just look at the drug market which is a black market. It thrives despite the DEA.
When I say economics drives people, I think that is on many different levels as well as many different ways. People want the freedom to be who we are and want to live peaceably. If we get squashed one way, we will find another way or many other ways. I think that was my point. One thing I know for sure is that Capitalism in the form that it is in right now must die if we are going to live. It is completely unsustainable and it has become anti-human and way too big for this tiny beautiful and amazing planet we are so blessed with. I find this change very scary, but at the same time I find great possibility for a more creative society as a result. Time will tell.
I don't know that particular peace studies program that you say advocated Chairman Mao, but 99.9% do not. Most education programs don't promote an ideology, they teach what is in that ideology but it is not in order to advocate it or to promote it. I have no problem with educating people on what Mao as about in ideas and practice as long as it is honest. I've never had a professor advocate an ideology. The ideology or philosophy was taught along with many others. It was never pushed onto students for them to believe. It was to discuss and critique.
ReplyDeleteUh, the one this post is about in the article under #9! Most peace studies are run buy the banksters that I blog about constantly, that's why I'm on guard. The UN was supposed to promote peace, but how many little girls in Africa got raped by the Blue Hats?
DeleteIt is ironic that they use the phrase from the Bible, referring to Jesus Christ, but deny His name.
You've never had a professor advocate an ideology? Pray tell, where did you go to school so that inquiring minds might know? Just about every university in this country has been tainted with the globalist money machine, so that would interest those seeking to avoid indoctrination.
Let's put it this way, I never had a GOOD professor advocate an ideology. And, I've had a lot of good professors including political science and philosophy professors. None of them were paid by corporations or the globalist money machine. But I get your drift on that issue and I agree it is a problem. I've also had crummy professors that were clueless, including professors in economics at a Christian College I went to. He advocated Milton Friedman globalization and I realized this college is going in the wrong direction, away from the teachings of Christ. I got my dose of ideology there. And, I got out of there.