One of my favorite songs by the Martins:
Where the Sphere of Domesticity is Fired Up! And the Memory Hole Gets Stopped Up!
Although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is, in some respects, one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked... in which I have spoken of so many important things done by Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply, To the superiority of their women.
--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Larry McDonald Was Right!
This post at Adrienne's Corner: Chilling Video called to my mind Congressman McDonald.
Larry McDonald, former president of the John Birch Society and Georgia representative.. he actually held Newt Gingrich's seat, was widely mocked for being outspoken about the New World Order. Here he is on Crossfire:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Here he is saying "we don't need anymore laws, we have enough" on a Chattanooga radio show. Note at the end of the interview he says the biggest problem is an ignorant electorate. See my education post below!
Shortly after the Crossfire interview, he was killed on KAL007, a flight which was shot down by Russians over a "misunderstanding" that the plane had illegally entered their airspace.
I believe he is now vindicated, here is Dick Morris saying conspiracy theorists are right after all:
The Federal Reserve is the central bank that the founder's didn't want - END THE FED is one thing that Ron Paul has right!
None of this should surprise the Christian, as the prophecies of old are coming to pass.
Lord, let me be a witness to someone today.
Larry McDonald, former president of the John Birch Society and Georgia representative.. he actually held Newt Gingrich's seat, was widely mocked for being outspoken about the New World Order. Here he is on Crossfire:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Here he is saying "we don't need anymore laws, we have enough" on a Chattanooga radio show. Note at the end of the interview he says the biggest problem is an ignorant electorate. See my education post below!
Shortly after the Crossfire interview, he was killed on KAL007, a flight which was shot down by Russians over a "misunderstanding" that the plane had illegally entered their airspace.
I believe he is now vindicated, here is Dick Morris saying conspiracy theorists are right after all:
The Federal Reserve is the central bank that the founder's didn't want - END THE FED is one thing that Ron Paul has right!
None of this should surprise the Christian, as the prophecies of old are coming to pass.
Lord, let me be a witness to someone today.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Don't Wait Until November to Take Action - Part 1: Remove your child from Government-controlled schools
Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
--Jesus Christ, Matthew 22:21
Note: My children do not belong to Caesar or any government of men.
Academic Success
What have we seen in the last 60 years of public education? Nothing but a precipitous decline in test scores, literacy, and common sense. Please take time to consider this survey from the Home School Legal Defense Association, which shows that homeschoolers outperform public schoolchildren by an average of 30 points on various standardized tests. This was regardless of the education and income level of the parent or the amount of homeschooling regulation in the various states.
I'm not knocking private schools, but as Stacy McCain points out, group learning is just not as effective as one-on-one learning. Plus it costs money, which is in short supply for most of us these days.
On average, a homeschooled child is about two grade levels ahead of his public schooled counterpart. The homeschooled child is more autodidactical and is well-prepared for academic and professional success because they are allowed the FREEDOM to explore subjects that interest them and to manage their time wisely. Socially, homeschoolers are more successful as their "peer group" is their own family. They can be themselves without the artificial pecking order that the school environment fosters. When a homeschooler encounters a bully, they are immediately confused with a "What's that guy's problem?" response. They are not intimidated; they don't hand over their lunch money - they roll their eyes and move on. Homeschoolers relate well to people of all ages because they've been socialized to treat everyone with respect, a skill you need in the "real world."
I'm not saying that there aren't homeschooled kids out there whose parents aren't teaching them anything and/or not letting them go anywhere, but this is a statistically insignificant minority compared with the hordes of cretins public school produces.
Take Away the Democrat's Greatest Weapon- Indoctrination
The liberals would not have been able to elect a dogcatcher to office had our education system not been taken over by atheistic totalitarian-minded statists. If you are not familiar with ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezemenov, please do yourself a favor and check out his lectures on Youtube here and/or read Love Letter to America. (h/t Useless Dissident) His specialty was in media and propaganda and explains how Socialists use these weapons to take over a country without a shot being fired.
Here is a sampling: This interview was done in 1985 and is the most relevant commentary I've seen about our times.
In Love Letter to America, he describes the four stages of a socialist takeover. The first is demoralization, which does exactly what it says it does - removes the morals of the target group. Yuri Bezmenov defines it thusly:
Let us start with the first stage of DEMORALIZATION. It takes about 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many (or few)? Simple: this is the minimum number of years needed to 'educate' ONE GENERATION of students in a target country (America, for example) and expose them to the ideology of the subverter. It is imperative that any sufficient challenge and counter-balance by the basic moral values and ideology of this country be eliminated. In absence of ANY cohesive and consistent national ideology, the task of the subverter becomes even easier. In the USA, as we all know, there is MULTIPLICITY of ideas and ideologies today, without proper emphasis on the main and basic American ideology of the original republic and the free market system. It is not even considered 'intellectual' or fashionable these days to subscribe entirely to this 'outmoded' set of ideas.
You cannot "undo" the indoctrination- unless you educate your kids when they get home from school and on weekends. That will make you so very popular and it will make them ask, "If school is so awful to tell me lies, why am I going there?" Once someone has been indoctrinated, it's like being assmilated into the Borg

Collective - an irrevocable process. Once again, ex-KGB sage Yuri tells us what to do:
To change the direction of America's future and to return to the basic American values, proven to be efficient and productive for almost 200 years of historically unprecedented freedom and affluence, you have to educate a NEW generation of Americans, this time in the spirit of patriotism and CAPITALISM. All right, you don't want to 'return.’ You'd rather have something new and progressive AND constructive, to make America once again respected and loved all over the world, so that the recipients of t he U.S. aid no longer shout 'Yankee Go Home’? In any case, even if you start the education of a NEW generation of Americans RIGHT THIS MINUTE, it will take you the next 15 to 20 years to raise this new generation to the levels of power and authority.
A lot of people have a Norman Rockwell view of school and need to wake up to the fact that the "little red schoolhouse" is a thing of the past. They sure don't have that classic picture of George Washington up on the wall. (See "And So it Goes in Shreveport: No More George Washington")
The Teacher's Unions will be Devastated - DNC hardest hit
Go on a Google streetview sometime and take a gander at all the abandoned schools in Detroit. You will discover schools built 80-100 years ago with amazing architecture sadly covered with graffiti and weeds. Recently, the Detroit school system announced that they will have to close 45 more schools. It is truly heartbreaking to see a proud city reduced to ruins--but this is the fruit of the collectivist agenda--the end that awaits us all if we do not fight.
Losing the most in Detroit's educational landscape is the local teacher's unions, which is hopping mad over it. The teacher's are losing their jobs and can't pay their NEA due money, what a shame!
The schools are closing because they're no good, plus no one wants to live in a city where 911 doesn't respond. Check out where Steven Crowder does Detroit and explores the Omega Man landscape:
Let's take this concept and expand it - if every red-blooded, freedom-loving American with kids in public school were to pull them out this summer, what kind of message would that send to our local and national overlords?
Remember that the liberals feed on dependency like a maggot feeds on trash. If we send a clear message that their "system" is no longer essential- it will rock them to their core.
The National Education Association is the largest union in the United States. It gives over $100,000,000 per year in grants to organizations like ACORN, lobbying liberals, and giving heavily to the DNC. Take away enough kids, and you'll effectively take away teachers along with their dues, thereby shrinking the NEA coffers.
I know what you're saying - I can't do that! I'm not as awesome as the Republican Mother. I'm telling you that it's your patriotic duty to pull your kids out of government school. Education is the role of parents, not government.(Shame of George W Bush and NCLB - and he never was a conservative no matter what some Republican cheerleaders tell you.) When parents cede their responsibility to government, they should be ready to reap what they sow, and we are currently sowing massive ignorance and apathy.
My School's OK - I Go to Church with my Kid's Teacher for Pete's Sake!
There are a lot of God-fearing, big-hearted people working in the public school system. But many public school teachers are union members, while an unwilling member in many cases, they are still forking over dues to the state education unions and ultimately, the NEA. The union's time and money go straight to work to undermine our country.
Consider the textbooks that public schools use. Those that teach US history, civics, and economics are chock full of liberal revisionism. Are your school's teachers so politically aware that they recognize indoctrination in the curriculum when they see it?
True Story: While in 1st grade, my daughter brought home papers about Kwanzaa. I sent back a lengthy note explaining that no one in Africa celebrates or has ever celebrated Kwanzaa, and that it was invented by '60s radicals at the University of California. I noted in my letter how the eight principles of Kwanzaa mirror the points of the Communist Manifesto. I'm sure that was a lot for an elementary school teacher to take in and she sent back a nice note saying she hoped I hadn't been offended and that she would pass on my information to other teachers. This is just an example of how curriculum that introduces 1st graders to the tenets of communism makes it into a conservative school district by well-meaning teachers.
Take a look at the required reading for high-schoolers over the summer at your local bookstore. Are they being required to read the classics? Books to stimulate critical thinking? Road to Serfdom?
No. In most likelihood, it's tripe designed to make them "question their values."
READ: There is no right and wrong, and if you believe there is, you're a bad, bad judgmental person.
Our republic rests on the bedrock of morality. Scoff if you must libertarians who say that you can't legislate morality - but laws are legislated morality. Killing and stealing are illegal because they're wrong, and now tanning beds are deemed evil.
If we educate a generation of morally bankrupt people, then we will beget a morally bankrupt nation, which happens to be financially bankrupt as well. Everything in the public school system, from the group learning to the textbooks to the social engineering programs (one word--fist) --- is designed to strip the God given sense of conscience from every child that passes through its bowels. It goes in a human kindergardener, and comes out a hedonistic, selfish teen who is too unsure of himself to be called an adult, needing to be told what to do. Like I said, BORG collective. You're not a human, you're a human resource and you exist to serve the collective state. How Depressing.
Education and Politics
We have seen how public school educators are often unwitting demagogues for the left. Using education as a political tool goes back through all of recorded history. Why would we think America to be any different? Ironically, the compulsory school laws were touted for their ability to bring a Christian education to the masses. That certainly changed -- I blame Unitarians, but that is another post.
To the get the full background on what went horribly wrong with American education, just skim through John Taylor Gatto's Underground History of American Education, which is published online in its entirety. I promise it will blow your mind! To get your conspiracy theory fix for the day, may I suggest this video featuring Charlotte Iserbyt who served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration:
For you that are not of the Christian faith: Wiccans, agnostics, Muslims, Zorastrians, etc. - I urge you to keep your child from becoming a dependency drone and remove them from the clutches of the U.S. public educations system. Check out secular homeschooling support groups.
Christians, read on for you have a specific obligation.
Christian Duty
Dear Christian,
Your child is God's gift to you and He expects you to protect His gift physically and spiritually. He gives us instruction in how to raise them to His Glory. From Deuteronomy 6:
4Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: 5And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
6And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
8And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
9And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
For a complete discussion of the role of education, faith, and home life, check out the Legacy Series by Voddie Baucham Part 1 - Part 2. His book, Family Driven Faith takes not only weak Christians to task, but the sorry excuses of churches that produce them. I highly recommend it if you need to bolster your resolve with regard to homeschooling, or at the very least -- taking your kids out of the mind-polluting public school. The biggest theme of this book is not homeschooling, but building stronger families through Christ.
The left has worked to dismantle the family in order to replace it with government. Just two generations ago, the black family, while largely impoverished, had lower rates of illegitimacy than than whites. What happened? Government happens.
The left looks down on the Christian faith. Why? If you watch the Bezmenov lectures, he wraps it up with the question-- What can you do to fight this tyranny? He writes one word on the board - God. If you have faith, they cannot touch you.
Evil looses its power when you can't be intimidated when you refuse to live in fear.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.--Romans 12:21
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.--Romans 12:21
Taking your child our of government school is a good deed that will help your family overcome the evil days ahead. When you figure that a very small percentage of professing Christians possess a Christian worldview, which will warrant another post, know that our children are being indoctrinated and used as weapons against us. See Gatto's new book: Weapons of Mass Instruction. Our country is in trouble and we need to take are kids out of the government's arsenal and into ours. Check out the Exodus Mandate video - Answer the Call to Dunkirk!
Take your kids out of government school----
Do it for yourself, knowing you've given your kids the best!
Do it for your kids, give them the gift of freedom and learning!
Do it for your country, an informed citizenry is the leftists worst nightmare!
Do it for God, He's commanded us to raise them up in admonition of the Lord!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
NO Quarter! The Ten Most Wanted
Using this post from Fire the 219 blog, I have dug out the contact info for the opponents of the traitors:
Bart Stupak's opponents:
Linda Goldthorpe, homeschool mom and lawyer
Don Hooper, CEO of trucking company
Tom Stillings
Dan Benishek, a surgeon of 30 years experience - lots of poetic justice here.
John Boccieri's opponents:
Jim Ranacci
Matt Miller
Jim Cooper's opponents:
Lonnie Spivak
Allen Boyd's opponents:
Dianne Berryhll
Eddie Hendry
Gerry Connolly's opponents:
Pat Herrity
Keith Fimian
Henry Cueller opponents:
Jim Fish, who has a background in health administration and finance
Solomon Ortiz opponents:
James Duerr
R. Blake Farenthold
Bill Owens opponent:
Doug Hoffman of course - payback will be so sweet!
Earl Pomeroy opponent:
Paul Schaffner
Scott Murphy opponent:
Chris Gibson
Check out the House Conservatives Fund for a list of conservative challengers!
Mark of Cain
Bart Stupak's opponents:
Linda Goldthorpe, homeschool mom and lawyer
Don Hooper, CEO of trucking company
Tom Stillings
Dan Benishek, a surgeon of 30 years experience - lots of poetic justice here.
John Boccieri's opponents:
Jim Ranacci
Matt Miller
Jim Cooper's opponents:
Lonnie Spivak
Allen Boyd's opponents:
Dianne Berryhll
Eddie Hendry
Gerry Connolly's opponents:
Pat Herrity
Keith Fimian
Henry Cueller opponents:
Jim Fish, who has a background in health administration and finance
Solomon Ortiz opponents:
James Duerr
R. Blake Farenthold
Bill Owens opponent:
Doug Hoffman of course - payback will be so sweet!
Earl Pomeroy opponent:
Paul Schaffner
Scott Murphy opponent:
Chris Gibson
Check out the House Conservatives Fund for a list of conservative challengers!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I Demand Justice - My Rights Have Been Denied
I didn't know how truly oppressed I was until I came across this wonderful American Thinker post about us 55% percent of Americans who sadly are not willing to own a gun, or in my case, cannot afford to do so. Mr. Fritsch has it all figured out. Following the wisdom of our Deemocratic overlords, he models his new entitlement after our brilliant health care reform legislation, which has been carefully crafted by the best legal minds.
From the gun-ownership enfranchisement proposal:
For those that can't afford it, a grant or subsidy to purchase a weapon (union members can get two weapons subsidized before 2018)
Question: How much are we talking about? Can I get a big, honking machine gun because I'm not really a good shot. If not, I would prefer a small, lady-like weapon that would fit it my purse. Thank you federal government!
(I know I should be in the 45%, but as of right now, I haven't been able to secure the knives around here. *looks behind back warily* The second amendment will still be there when they get a little older and I incorporate marksmanship into our homeschool program. Some of you say it won't given the recent events, but there are a lot more of us in the 55% than there are of them in the 45% IYKWIMAITYD.
"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."
--Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824.
16,500 Sheriffs of Nottingham will make the Democrats So Very Popular
So let me get this straight.. According to USA Today, the IRS will now have expanded powers to make sure all of us are "well taken care of." The health care bill that was "passed" last night calls for 16500 more IRS agents to enforce their "reform". Yes, this worked so well for Prince John. Let's all be on the lookout for suspicious persons such as these:




(Bear with me on the formatting and pics, I feel like such a newb, but too much going on to be a perfectionist!)




(Bear with me on the formatting and pics, I feel like such a newb, but too much going on to be a perfectionist!)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
No Surrender, No Retreat
Obi's Sister already has the first video that came to my mind after seeing that the health sham was shoved through. Being a Star Wars themed blog, she's got the right one.
I couldn't find the clip where the captain says "No Surrender, No Retreat", but it summarizes how I'm feeling and know a lot of other are as well. Babylon 5 is one of my all-time favorite shows because it deals with corrupt governments, a propagandizing media, and fallen human (and senscient) nature. One of the actors, Jerry Doyle, is a conservative activist now - so check him out sometime.
Not to be outdone, this little gem came next to my mind:
I couldn't find the clip where the captain says "No Surrender, No Retreat", but it summarizes how I'm feeling and know a lot of other are as well. Babylon 5 is one of my all-time favorite shows because it deals with corrupt governments, a propagandizing media, and fallen human (and senscient) nature. One of the actors, Jerry Doyle, is a conservative activist now - so check him out sometime.
Not to be outdone, this little gem came next to my mind:
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Davy Crockett - A True Tennessee Congressman
Attention school children doing Davy Crockett research, this post won't help you much, but check out this post to see about convincing your parents to get you out of public school.
Due to Fess Parker recently passing away, some have been reminiscing over his role as Davy Crockett. I thought it was quite timely that Bart Gordon decided to betray the trust of the citizens of the sixth district on the same day.
Bart, take note in how a true Tennessean - who needs the federal government's benevolence like Michael Moore needs butt implants - truly summarizes the ways of the US Congress:
"Congress allows lemonade to the members and has it charged under the head of stationery-I move also that whiskey be allowed under the item of fuel." --- Davy Crockett
As heir to Crockett's seat, I would have hoped that you would not have double-crossed us by voting for yet another entitlement program. Whether you traded your vote or not is immaterial to me; you have not represented Tennessee - the first state to recently pass a resolution affirming the 10th amendment. You've betrayed your governor who begged you not to pass this monstrosity.
I can't find the video of it, but do ya'll remember in the Crockett movie, where he walks into Congress as they're about to vote on the Indian removal bill and says he won't be apart of it and rips it in half? -- yeah, for me, that's my personal idea of what a Tennessee Congressman should look like.
Here are some Crockett quotes - he is literally commenting on our current predicament from beyond the grave!
We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money.
Hear that Bart?
We must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living.
Like we all owe $40,000 each BEFORE health care becomes law.
The party in power, like Jonah's gourd, grew up quickly, and will quickly fall.
That's a relief.
I have suffered my self to be politically sacrificed to save my country from ruin and disgrace and if I am never a gain elected I will have the gratification to know that I have done my duty.
Hear that Bart? duty, sacrifice, honor - they're not Klingon words - they stand for noble principles you are just unfamiliar with.
I would rather be beaten and be a man than to be elected and be a little puppy dog.
Actually we all know that while Bart looks like a deer in headlights, he's metaphorically a lap dog.
I would rather be politically dead than hypocritically immortalized.
Bart, you will be forever known as an immortal hypocrite.
If one man in the country could take all the money, what was the use of passing any bills about it?
That's what we're asking too, Davy.
It was expected of me that I was to bow to the name of Andrew Jackson... even at the expense of my conscience and judgment. such a thing was new to me, and a total stranger to my principles.
If Davy wouldn't bow to A.Jackson, what would he think about Bart's bowing to Nancy Pelosi?
Let your tongue speak what your heart thinks.
Apparently, Bart's heart thinks legal doublespeak.
Look at my arms, you will find no party hand-cuff on them.
Haven't seen the armbands, but they may be coming.
Throughout the day no time for memorandums now. Go ahead! Liberty and independence forever.
Oh Davy, if you thought memos were bad, thank goodness you didn't live to see 2,000 page bills passed in the dead of night.
We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money.
We definably need to get back to this mindset.
You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas.
Texas' constitution does allow for succession.
Check out the latest on the Washington rally at The Other McCain

Bart, take note in how a true Tennessean - who needs the federal government's benevolence like Michael Moore needs butt implants - truly summarizes the ways of the US Congress:
"Congress allows lemonade to the members and has it charged under the head of stationery-I move also that whiskey be allowed under the item of fuel." --- Davy Crockett
As heir to Crockett's seat, I would have hoped that you would not have double-crossed us by voting for yet another entitlement program. Whether you traded your vote or not is immaterial to me; you have not represented Tennessee - the first state to recently pass a resolution affirming the 10th amendment. You've betrayed your governor who begged you not to pass this monstrosity.
I can't find the video of it, but do ya'll remember in the Crockett movie, where he walks into Congress as they're about to vote on the Indian removal bill and says he won't be apart of it and rips it in half? -- yeah, for me, that's my personal idea of what a Tennessee Congressman should look like.
Here are some Crockett quotes - he is literally commenting on our current predicament from beyond the grave!
We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money.
Hear that Bart?
We must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living.
Like we all owe $40,000 each BEFORE health care becomes law.
The party in power, like Jonah's gourd, grew up quickly, and will quickly fall.
That's a relief.
I have suffered my self to be politically sacrificed to save my country from ruin and disgrace and if I am never a gain elected I will have the gratification to know that I have done my duty.
Hear that Bart? duty, sacrifice, honor - they're not Klingon words - they stand for noble principles you are just unfamiliar with.
I would rather be beaten and be a man than to be elected and be a little puppy dog.
Actually we all know that while Bart looks like a deer in headlights, he's metaphorically a lap dog.

I would rather be politically dead than hypocritically immortalized.
Bart, you will be forever known as an immortal hypocrite.
If one man in the country could take all the money, what was the use of passing any bills about it?
That's what we're asking too, Davy.
It was expected of me that I was to bow to the name of Andrew Jackson... even at the expense of my conscience and judgment. such a thing was new to me, and a total stranger to my principles.
If Davy wouldn't bow to A.Jackson, what would he think about Bart's bowing to Nancy Pelosi?
Let your tongue speak what your heart thinks.
Apparently, Bart's heart thinks legal doublespeak.
Look at my arms, you will find no party hand-cuff on them.
Haven't seen the armbands, but they may be coming.
Throughout the day no time for memorandums now. Go ahead! Liberty and independence forever.
Oh Davy, if you thought memos were bad, thank goodness you didn't live to see 2,000 page bills passed in the dead of night.
We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money.
We definably need to get back to this mindset.
You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas.
Texas' constitution does allow for succession.
Check out the latest on the Washington rally at The Other McCain
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