Well, we're all still here, and all Bibi did was draw a bomb with a red line on top. For more on the Iran situation, Dr. Pieczenik has a great post on the inside baseball (he was the guy in charge of negotiating for the hostages, ya know, and then quit in the middle of it for reasons he will probably reveal later.)
I've been working on this post awhile, just another case study into the people who "cry peace, peace" but seem to have collecivizing on their mind.
Starting with the 1966 Bilderberg dump from Infowars, (this is a pdf) I thought I'd pick out a case study in subversion and infiltration, whether witting or unwitting.
The documents linked above were leaked from the private papers of Fred Harris, former US Senator and 1966 Bilderberg attendee. You'll find that the UAW union was also there with a personal letter from Walter Reuther, it's president. You'll also note that in these people's world, they're already living in world government and they speak in terms of their "world congress" and such. Much of these documents have to do with the problem of price and wage controls to mitigate "inflation" (which is caused by their bullcrap fiat currencies and manipulations) These papers could be mined endlessly, but I picked the case of Joe Weingarten, who wrote to Senator Harris asking for support for his World Institute for World Peace.
This is an excerpt from a Houston Post advertisement from Joe Weingarten, a supermarket mogul from Texas, in 1966.
Mao Tse Tung - I think you have all heard of him. Isn't it hysterically sick that he would be mentioned in a peace article whilst he was starving millions upon millions of his middle class away?
As always, I find it interesting to see where these people are today. So here is the map of Weingarten's company today - the JP Morgan connection is icing on the cake. In case you don't read regularly, JP Morgan facilitated the funding of the Soviet Union and are a major vehicle for funding collectivization.
The blessings of world peace come from trusting in the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus who has already overcome the evil, dying world with His finished work on the Cross.
I've been working on this post awhile, just another case study into the people who "cry peace, peace" but seem to have collecivizing on their mind.
Starting with the 1966 Bilderberg dump from Infowars, (this is a pdf) I thought I'd pick out a case study in subversion and infiltration, whether witting or unwitting.
The documents linked above were leaked from the private papers of Fred Harris, former US Senator and 1966 Bilderberg attendee. You'll find that the UAW union was also there with a personal letter from Walter Reuther, it's president. You'll also note that in these people's world, they're already living in world government and they speak in terms of their "world congress" and such. Much of these documents have to do with the problem of price and wage controls to mitigate "inflation" (which is caused by their bullcrap fiat currencies and manipulations) These papers could be mined endlessly, but I picked the case of Joe Weingarten, who wrote to Senator Harris asking for support for his World Institute for World Peace.
This is an excerpt from a Houston Post advertisement from Joe Weingarten, a supermarket mogul from Texas, in 1966.
I know some of this tiny to read, but click the link on the top line to get the whole zoomable shebang. The numbered points were what had been achieved to date. I thought it would be interesting to look into this stuff with our 20/20 hindsight.
Raga S. Elim - look like I found him here talking to the Kiwanis
Wayne State Univeristy looks like to be still in the Peace Racket
Dr. Russell H. Broadhead - can't find him right now.
Rice University - their research centers listing looks like the Borg Cube planning office. The James Baker Institute for Public Policy, etc.
Dr. Quincy Wright - studied war and did a lot of groundbreaking work in international law. I would also like to point out that he went to the University of Chicago in the early 1900's, and as students of untold history know that institution was a Rockefeller expert factory.
Univeristy of Michigan - If I recall my Isebyt, a lot of nefarious studies were done in the UM system in education.
Dr. Glen Olds - consultant to JFK on the Peace Corps and VISTA. He was president of Kent State after the unpleasantness there, and then moved to Alaska. Note that Rahm Emmanuel discussed the possibility of mandatory national service that would build upon programs such as these.
Dr. William Caudill - an achitect who designed funky '50s building and did work for the State Dept.
Dr. IG Protovskii - a Russian attendee of a "peace conference", a mathematician from Moscow State in the '50s
Luther Evans - a World Federalist who was the Librarian of Congress and pushed the international peace agenda (read: world collectivism). Behold the nugget of Rockefeller machinery and bankster organizations mentioned in his wiki page:
He also served with various U.S. delegations during the forming of UNESCO. In 1953 he resigned from the Library to accept a position as UNESCO's third Director General, the only American to hold this post.Father Hesburgh was the guy who was also President of the Rockefeller Foundation and definitely pushed liberalism in for the Catholics.
He was active in international peace issues throughout his life, serving in many capacities with educational organizations and commissions. He served as President of the United World Federalists in 1970 - 1976, and his thinking of this period is seen in his testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the U.S. House of Representatives on February 4, 1975 concerning "The United Nations in the 1970s: Recommendations for U.S. Policy". Working with a range of other Americans prominent in foreign policy, including Father Theodore Hesburgh of Notre Dame, Norman Cousins of Saturday Review, James Grant of the Overseas Development Council, anthropologist Margaret Mead, World Federalist Chairman H. Donald Wilson, and World Bank president Robert McNamara, Evans organized an organization called New Directions. New Directions was to be a U.S. citizen's lobby on international issues modeled on Common Cause. It worked for a time, and helped pass the Panama Canal Treaty, but was ultimately unable to find enough funds to sustain it for the long term.
Mao Tse Tung - I think you have all heard of him. Isn't it hysterically sick that he would be mentioned in a peace article whilst he was starving millions upon millions of his middle class away?
As always, I find it interesting to see where these people are today. So here is the map of Weingarten's company today - the JP Morgan connection is icing on the cake. In case you don't read regularly, JP Morgan facilitated the funding of the Soviet Union and are a major vehicle for funding collectivization.
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Weingarten Today |
In the meantime, if all people everywhere would just follow the Golden Rule, we'd have an instantly more peaceful world.
Blogging is so much fun because you get to solve all the world's problems! Implementing the solutions is another ballgame!