From the official Mitt Romney for Presdient website:
Found this also via DP:

Yeah, this calls for a major:
I've heard it all my life, vote for the Republican if nothing but the Supreme Court nominees. Yeah, cue up the Office Space Lumberg. How's taht working out for you GOP? The crazy, wild conspiracy theory that both parties are controlled by interests not loyal to the American people is totally borne out in events such as this. If you've got a problem with that, let me help you out: Conpsiracy=Corruption. Got it? They don't advertise the fact they're planning to screw us all over on their 90% controlled media and on all the billboards. That seems pretty basic reasoning to me. But to the average guy, they seem to be a perpetual state of disbelief that such schemes could be hatched. Just follow the freaking money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are supported by the same firms, both Rs and Ds. These banksters don't care about you, don't want to work with you, or represent your interests. In fact, since they've sucked all they can out of America, they're pretty much done with us, which reminds me of a song....
As president, Mitt will nominate judges in the mold of Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito. These justices hold dear what the great Chief Justice John Marshall called “the basis on which the whole American fabric has been erected”: a written Constitution, with real and determinate meaning. The judges that Mitt nominates will exhibit a genuine appreciation for the text, structure, and history of our Constitution and interpret the Constitution and the laws as they are written. And his nominees will possess a demonstrated record of adherence to these core principles.
Found this also via DP:
Yeah, this calls for a major:

I've heard it all my life, vote for the Republican if nothing but the Supreme Court nominees. Yeah, cue up the Office Space Lumberg. How's taht working out for you GOP? The crazy, wild conspiracy theory that both parties are controlled by interests not loyal to the American people is totally borne out in events such as this. If you've got a problem with that, let me help you out: Conpsiracy=Corruption. Got it? They don't advertise the fact they're planning to screw us all over on their 90% controlled media and on all the billboards. That seems pretty basic reasoning to me. But to the average guy, they seem to be a perpetual state of disbelief that such schemes could be hatched. Just follow the freaking money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are supported by the same firms, both Rs and Ds. These banksters don't care about you, don't want to work with you, or represent your interests. In fact, since they've sucked all they can out of America, they're pretty much done with us, which reminds me of a song....
Don't let these evil people get you down. The Book says that there are bad, bad things in store for them.
Since Romney is the father of Obamacare, John Roberts just put paid to the very last argument "conservatives" had for voting for the Republican. They'll vote for him anyway. It'd would be funny if I didn't have to live in this country, too.
ReplyDeleteAs a Christian, I'm really glad this world is not my home. Sure feels like an alien place to me these days.
DeleteGot my passport at the ready.
ReplyDeleteWhich area are you planning to evac to? Is Jim setting up a refugee camp down there in S.A.?
Delete"there are bad, bad things in store for them."
ReplyDeleteThrough whatever means RM, I believe that to be true.
I was thinking about them cowering in fear in their underground bunkers, asking the rocks to hide them from the avenging Christ. That, and the boils the wearers of the Mark receive. Lots of "Biblical proportion" punishment to be meted out to the lawless in the Book of Revelation.
Deletewhen the original intent of the Constitution is circumvented- tyranny always follows-
ReplyDeleteBTW- the Supreme Court was to be the least powerful of the thee branches =- that is why John Jay -First Chief Justice - left and became a Congressman instead-
Grrrrrr on us for being asleep for 100 + years!
Thank you for your take as to our real HOME-
The original intent being circumvented by all three branches is a bad situation.
DeleteWhile Gordon Lightfoot has many awesome songs to his credit, I'm extremely disappointed you chose to link his version instead of Janis. She owns that song! :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, I try to do the unexpected here. Lightfoot's mellow tone takes me to a "calm" place.