Although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is, in some respects, one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked... in which I have spoken of so many important things done by Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply, To the superiority of their women.

--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: Chapter 6

Consolidation and Export of the Revolution

Lord Milner

Marx's great book Das Kapital is at once a monument of reasoning and a storehouse of facts.

--Lord Milner, member of the British War Cabinet, 1917, and director of the London Joint Stock Bank

Know our enemy: William Boyce Thompson, may his name forever be mud in America. Here's a little bit of information on our boy Billy who we learned last time set up the Red Cross Mission to an unstable Russia hand gave the Soviets their seed money. In could be that our entire world would have been completely different without this guy.

Extraordinary skill in raising capital for risky mining promotions earned Thompson a personal fortune and directorships in Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company, Nevada Consolidated Copper Company, and Utah Copper Company — all major domestic copper producers. Copper is, of course, a major material in the manufacture of munitions. Thompson was also director of the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, the Magma Arizona Railroad and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. And of particular interest for this book, Thompson was "one of the heaviest stockholders in the Chase National Bank." It was Albert H. Wiggin, president of the Chase Bank, who pushed Thompson for a post in the Federal Reserve System; and in 1914 Thompson became the first full-term director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York — the most important bank in the Federal Reserve System.
Get the picture on how connected this guy is? Note the quote on the side by Red Mike. Thompson is part of the coterie that he describes as controlling our country. But Russia would appear not to be enough, and an attempt was made to start communism in Germany and flip British foreign policy to be pro-Bolshevik:

Before leaving Russia in early December 1917 Thompson handed over the American Red Cross Mission to his deputy Raymond Robins. Robins then organized Russian revolutionaries to implement the Thompson plan for spreading Bolshevik propaganda in Europe (see Appendix 3). A French government document confirms this: "It appeared that Colonel Robins . . . was able to send a subversive mission of Russian bolsheviks to Germany to start a revolution there." This mission led to the abortive German Spartacist revolt of 1918. The overall plan also included schemes for dropping Bolshevik literature by airplane or for smuggling it across German lines.
Thompson made preparations in late 1917 to leave Petrograd and sell the Bolshevik Revolution to governments in Europe and to the U.S. With this in mind, Thompson cabled Thomas W. Lamont, a partner in the Morgan firm who was then in Paris with Colonel E. M. House. Lamont recorded the receipt of this cablegram in his biography:
Just as the House Mission was completing its discussions in Paris in December 1917, I received an arresting cable from my old school and business friend, William Boyce Thompson, who was then in Petrograd in charge of the American Red Cross Mission there.
Lamont journeyed to London and met with Thompson, who had left Petrograd on December 5, traveled via Bergen, Norway, and arrived in London on December 10. The most important achievement of Thompson and Lamont in London was to convince the British War Cabinet — then decidedly anti-Bolshevik — that the Bolshevik regime had come to stay, and that British policy should cease to be anti-Bolshevik, should accept the new realities, and should support Lenin and Trotsky. Thompson and Lamont left London on December 18 and arrived in New York on December 25, 1917. They attempted the same process of conversion in the United States.
So old Col House seems to be everywhere doesn't he? If he's not hanging around Woodrow, he's in Paris with his own "mission". This guy Lamont is a big player in all this too, and he and Billy boy go to London to tell Lloyd George how its going to be. Our host Dr. Sutton tells us what we need to know about Lloyd;

Lloyd George's private and political machinations rivaled those of a Tammany Hall politician — yet in his lifetime and for decades after, biographers were unable, or unwilling, to come to grips with them. In 1970 Donald McCormick's The Mask of Merlin lifted the veil of secrecy. McCormick shows that by 1917 David Lloyd George had bogged "too deeply in the mesh of international armaments intrigues to be a free agent" and was beholden to Sir Basil Zaharoff, an international armaments dealer, whose considerable fortune was made by selling arms to both sides in several wars.
Great. So I guess to understand Britain of that time is to understand this Basil Zaharoff fellow right? Well, hold on to your hat..

On more than one occasion, reports McCormick, Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and Georges Clemenceau met in Zaharoff's Paris home. McCormick notes that "Allied statesmen and leaders were obliged to consult him before planning any great attack." British intelligence, according to McCormick, "discovered documents which incriminated servants of the Crown as secret agents of Sir Basil Zaharoff with the knowledge of Lloyd George." In 1917 Zaharoff was linked to the Bolsheviks; he sought to divert munitions away from anti-Bolsheviks and had already intervened in behalf of the Bolshevik regime in both London and Paris.
So in addition to the one million dollars sent over by the Morgan firm, the Bolsheviks were getting help from the world's biggest munitions dealer. Just in case your still thinking that a jacked up philosophy like Communism could get off the ground by itself. Why would they want to do such a thing? Why would a man like Thompson who made so much money off the bounty of America's resources want to promote an ideology that would result in the murder of millions upon millions of people? It's also an ideology that is dedicated to the overthrow of people just like him. There are more layers to this onion for sure.
You will hear it said that I am the representative of Wall Street; that I am the servant of William B. Thompson to get Altai copper for him; that I have already got 500,000 acres of the best timber land in Russia for myself; that I have already copped off the Trans-Siberian Railway; that they have given me a monopoly of the platinum of Russia; that this explains my working for the soviet .... You will hear that talk. Now, I do not think it is true, Commissioner, but let us assume it is true. Let us assume that I am here to capture Russia for Wall Street and American business men. Let us assume that you are a British wolf and I am an American wolf, and that when this war is over we are going to eat each other up for the Russian market; let us do so in perfectly frank, man fashion, but let us assume at the same time that we are fairly intelligent wolves, and that we know that if we do not hunt together in this hour the German wolf will eat us both up, and then let us go to work. 
--Raymond Robins to British agent Bruce Lockhart

So this is the Wall Street motivation, gobble up weakened Russia's resources before Germany gets the chance by any means necessary. Even personally paying for your own revolution. It works out that these revolutionaries follow an ideology that advocates putting all of a nation's wealth in one piggy bank. It's easier to steal that way.

However, one of these monopoly men would appear to be more of a "real" socialist and that would be Lord Milner, who held sway over Lloyd George. According to historian Edward Crankshaw:
Some of the passages [in Milner] on industry and society . . . are passages which any Socialist would be proud to have written. But they were not written by a Socialist. They were written by "the man who made the Boer War." Some of the passages on Imperialism and the white man's burden might have been written by a Tory diehard. They were written by the student of Karl Marx.

 While Milner supported the Bolsheviks, he also supported opponents of the Bolsheviks. This is key to understand, politicized international players have a one hundred year or more track record of supporting every horse in the race that might win. We see this principle applied to American politics where only the horses they want are given millions in campaign cash and hours of media fawning. That way, the monopoly men can't ever loose.

Getting back to Russia, the Allies had pretty much traded in their diplomats in Russia with these Morgan-Fed Reserve bankster diplomats: Raymond Robbins, John Lockhart, and French pro-Bolshevik Jacques Sodoul. The old ambassodors remained there, however their influence was neutralized. As we get into 1918, we find the police state descending upon the Russian people. Listen as Maxim Gorky cries out of the dangerous path Russia is being led on. It's even more poignant to those who know how many this system killed in the end:

We Russians make up a people that has never yet worked in freedom, that has never yet had a chance to develop all its powers and its talents. And when I think that the revolution gives us the possibility of free work, of a many-sided joy in creating, my heart is tilled with great hope and joy, even in these cursed days that are besmirched with blood and alcohol.
Oh fudge, not much as changed!
But the practical Maximalism of the Anarcho-Communists and visionaries from the Smolny is ruinous for Russia and, above all, for the Russian working class. The People's Commissaries handle Russia like material for an experiment. The Russian people is for them what the Horse is for learned bacteriologists who inoculate the horse with typhus so that the anti-typhus lymph may develop in its blood. Now the Commissaries are trying such a predestined-to-failure experiment upon the Russian people without thinking that the tormented, half-starved horse may die.
The banksters run the commissaries, you know. Oh, and they may think you might die, they just don't care, as they'll not be held responsible and they know it.

Woodrow Wilson expressed his support of the Bolsheviks at about this time which absolutely befuddled those poor old-line diplomats still in Russia who didn't have a clue about all this backwater wheeling and dealing. The diplomat in Switzerland sent this telegram to the State Dept:
For Polk. President's message to Consul Moscow not understood here and people are asking why the President expresses support of Bolsheviki, in view of raping, murder and anarchy of these bands.

Disgusted with the Wilson support of the Bolsheviks, De Witt C. Poole, the head of the official US delegation to Russia resigned. The State Dept was real shook up and played, the "your resignation might put American troops in harms way" card to try to keep him in line.

I'm putting all this in here so that you might see how our country shifted from being America to becoming the United States Government. I'm giving you the play-by-play of how the State Department was changed from real diplomats to bankster-paid employees on a mission to capture markets. Remember what Norman Dodd said was discovered in the earliest minutes of the Carnegie Endowment, on the top of the To Do list was gain control of the State Department. Mission Accomplished banksters!

Now let's talk about exporting revolutions - this con has promise!

Bolshevik propaganda: cartoons, newspapers, and pamphlets began to be produced en masse with bankster money. One of the most prominant and connected cartoonists was Robert Minor whose forgotten cartoon showing Wall Street, Trotsky and Lenin laughing it up is forgotten in modern times:

But it would seem that spreading around Communistic ideas was not smiled upon in France, where Minor was arrested on the authority of British intelligence for printing and disseminating Bolshevik propaganda and passing it out to the British and American troops. But he didn't stay in custody long, not only was his daddy a judge back in Texas who lobbied for his release, he also had very powerful friends:

This exchange of telegrams suggests a degree of haste in dropping the charges against Robert Minor, and haste suggests pressure. There was no significant attempt made to develop evidence. Intervention by Colonel House and General Pershing at the highest levels in Paris and the cablegram from Colonel House to Senator Morris Sheppard give weight to American newspaper reports that both House and President Wilson were responsible for Minor's hasty release without trial.
Minor returned to the United States and, like Thompson and Robins before him, toured the U.S. promoting the wonders of Bolshevik Russia.

What have we learned in this chapter? We see a shift in foreign policy of both the United States and Great Britain. We observe that old-line diplomats have been rendered obsolete by the oligarchical interests that simply bypass them until they buy those positions for their cronies. Also, we find a corrupt British Prime Minister totally on the take. And years before Where in the  World is Carmen San Diego, we find Col. House globetrotting around wherever there is power to be manipulated. Bird cages had a new source of lining in the amount of Bolshevik newspapers and pamphlets being printed. These new ideas doubtless took in a lot of poor Russian who had never known freedom and would rush toward any new idea.

Next time, we'll view the banksters in their natural habitat, New York City.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton may be read in its entirety at Reformed Theology.

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