Although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is, in some respects, one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked... in which I have spoken of so many important things done by Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply, To the superiority of their women.

--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Friday, November 18, 2016

Where's Julian?

For your consideration, a timeline of Wikileaks events from a Redditor, to which I have added links and comments in bold:

Here is a brief timeline of events:
Apr 16th: John Jones QC, Assange's U.N. Lawyer dies jumping in front of a train. [As seen in House of Cards]

May 11th: Michael Ratner, WikiLeaks' chief counsel, dies of cancer. [plausable-makes you think of Jack Ruby]

Jul 10th: Seth Rich, DNC staffer who supposedly leaked DNC documents to Wikileaks, is shot in the back and dies. Nothing is stolen from his body.

Aug 5th: Edward Snowden (source of leaks on surveillance by the NSA) tweets 64 bit code (potential dead man's switch),

Aug 10th: Wikileaks offers $20k reward for information on murder of Seth Rich.
Oct 7th: Podestamails leaks first batch.

Oct 14th: John Podesta tweets "I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassy”.

Oct 16th/17th: John Kerry visits the UK, personally pressures Equador to stop Assange from publishing documents about Clinton.

Oct 16th: Wikileaks tweets SHA-256 prerelease keys.

Oct 18th: Equadorian Embassy cuts off Assange's internet access.

Oct 18th: Pamela Anderson visits Assange and feeds him a vegan sandwich. [She has also been seen at Marina Abromovich's 2011 "art dinner" - which is off the chart bizzaro, creepy, satanic.....- along with other celebrities, which answers the question of why our Hollywood/Art scene is so messed up - another post for another day.]

Oct 18th: Witnesses photograph and report heavily armed police and vans outside Equadorian Embassy, are barred from approaching and have cellphones confiscated. Live feeds are cut off.

Oct 18th: Fox News reports Assange will be arrested in a matter of hours.

[This video was later memory-holed]

Oct 18th: made publicly visible, file dates/timestamps changed to 1984 (Orwell reference). [An SOS]

Oct 18th: London Airport evacuated due to "chemical attack", potentially used as cover to fly Assange out of country.

Oct 20th: /r/wikileaks/r/dncleaks/r/wikileakstaskforce and /r/nsaleaks add 21 new moderators and remove previous mods, all threads about Assange going missing deleted since. [This is on reddit, the website founded in part by Aaron Swartz, another depressed person who suicided themselves awhile back. I can say that it has changed a whole lot since he passed.]

Oct 20th/21st: Wikileaks tweets 5 tweets with misspelled words. The incorrect letters spell "HELP HIM". The Wikileaks twitter has never made a spelling error, let alone 5 in two days.
[This has been debunked, but it is true that there were no spelling errors prior to this date-the twitter account has definitely changed.]

Oct 21st: Massive DDoS attack on US internet. Wikileaks tweets to imply the attack originates from its supporters, asking them to stop, no evidence supports claim. [They may have taken out the internet to keep his dead man switches from activitating]

Oct 22nd: Gavin MacFadyen (mentor to Assange and key player in Wikileaks) dies of lung cancer. [Plausible-how convenient]

Oct 23rd: Wikileaks Tweets poll asking how best to prove Assange is alive (he still hasn't appeared on video or at the window since). [They do like parading his cat wearing a neck tie in the window, however.]

Oct 24th: Wikileaks Tweets video of Assange and Michael Moore recorded in June.

Oct 26th: 4chan users successfully successfully decode their first message in Wikileak's blockchain. Threads are instantly flooded by shills saying that it's not worth looking into. The blockchain is blocked with fees and 43000 unconfirmed transactions appear in the mempool. [God bless weaponized autisim!]

Nov 6th: Huge DDoS takes down Wikileaks for first time in years. [Again, they may have blocked swtiches from being activated.]

Nov 7th: Various entities notice hundreds of Podesta and DNC emails are missing from recent leaks, accessed with direct entry.

Nov 8th: Trump wins.[Yay!]

Nov 12th: Assange meets with Swedish prosecutor regarding rape allegations, lawyers barred from attending, meeting conducted via an Equadorian ambassador (not face to face)

Nov 14th: Wikileaks releases insurance files, SHA-256 hashes do not match those tweeted in October.

We also find a fair amount of oddness in the recent John Pilger interview of Assange where we see evidence of Morph cutting and no pictures of Assange and Pilger in the same shot.

What does it all mean?

It could mean that Wikileaks, if it is compromised, could put out info on whoever they want using the credibility 100% accuracy track record over ten years that Julian and his cohorts have established.

Julian may have someone out there who is not supposed to throw out his dead man switch until it is confirmed that he is in fact dead. The parties responsible for this bizarre situation may be keeping the illusion of him being in the embassy to further their own goals, or just be in a holding pattern until they figure out what to do.

Julian may be alive, but renditioned to who knows where (this article surmises Charlotte, NC). There is an old joke that a $2 wrench will be break the tightest encryption when applied to the encryptor. I sincerely hope that's not the case.

The original Wikileaks caches has been archived, and there's plenty there to chew on. It's shown us that that the DNC conducts themselves like junior high school girls and not professionals, which is reassuring. It's shown us that those in the inner circles are compromised and probably blackmailed what with all this satanic spirit cooking and pizzagate mess. We also learned that Hillary smells of boiled cabbage, farts, and urine according to Podesta. Yes, we have learned lots of things from the bravery of Wikileaks.

Many people have been totally freaked about the Spirit Cooking stuff. My daughter was witnessing to many online who were atheists, but are now reconsidering that position based on sheer creepiness of those images. I hope this all serves to wake people up to the true reality that the Bible state:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph 6:!2

This is a subject I've explored many times on here before. I do like to get to the source of things, and as a Christian (born-again, non-churchian kind) I understand that to be Satan and his Legion. I don't know how much more blatant it could get when you check out the satanic images associated with it all. 

UPDATE: Looks like he is ok. I'm sure there's a lot more going on behind the scenes.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thoughts on the Best Election Ever

This will have to be a bullet-form post, as I am on my seventh baby and am getting about four hours a sleep a night if I'm lucky due to restless legs syndrome. Yes, I've tried Magnesium and continue to try different things to get my leg muscles not to twitch at night. My due date is New Year's Eve, so I've got a ways to go with this. I've been dealing with it in earnest since sometime in September. I've dealt with it in the past three pregnancies - on the fifth, I was given Ambien, but I'm going with midwives this time and they aren't allowed to give that. I've got my 5 and 7 year old going to school on account of their severe speech problems, so I have to get up at 5 to get them on the bus at 6. Meanwhile, my oldest is off to a local college most days doing the dual enrollment thing. This leaves me with two kids, 11 and 13 to homeschool. They're having to learn to be independent, which is what I want. They both have some learning "issues" which makes it complicated, but hopefully everything will work out before they grow up-ifkwim.

  • The Amish are becoming politically active. I was sitting in a waiting room at Vandy and an Amish lady in full attire came up to me and asked if I would be interested in some literature. Knowing that they're not known for being evangelistic, I happily took her pamphlet to see what it was about. It was all about the Mark of the Beast microchip and the testimony of a scientist that worked on it. Also included was how the Council on Foreign Relations was pushing for a one-world government, etc. So the kind of things I've blogged on were being passed out in print by plain people. Pretty cool. I've got to figure the harassment that they've endured under Obama regarding raw milk and Ag Dept. regulation has woken them up.

  • The Wikileaks had a huge impact on proving without a shadow of a doubt what we've been saying all along about how things work behind the scenes. The way the DNC talks internally is akin to high school girls plotting. My oldest daughter actually read every Wikileaks dump and gave me a synopsis after each one. According to her, they should have listened to a guy named Brent, he kept telling them that they were going the wrong direction, but no one would listen to poor Brent. The blatant collusion in DNC to shut out Bernie, their populist candidate, was beyond shameful and many of the Bernie supporters did not show up to vote for Hillary like the dutiful minions they were thought to be. Yes, alienating the principled part of your base is not a winning strategy. Wikileaks noted in a tweet, that the purpose of the primary is to get the most competitive candidate and this process was thwarted with the bogus DNC super-delegate scheme.

  • We also learned that Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta is a complete freak. We learned that this inner circle is supportive of deeply satanic art and possibly ritual. That Spirit Cooking stuff really made an impact on blacks and latinos. My daughter was responding to different atheists with Bible verses as they recoiled from the stuff they saw when they jumped down that rabbit hole. Some of them were saying maybe there's something to this whole "God" thing after all. Yes, that's how messed up it is. The performance artist woman who used coagulated blood and body fluid to do her "art" has been on the cover of Elle, and consults with Lady Gaga and Jay-Z, etc. One big, happy Illuminati family. Which leads me to this picture:

So the significance of the 14 and the fish goes back to Egyptian mythology surrounding the birth of Horus. Recall that Blavatsky and Theosophy revolves around the ancient mystery religions of which this type of thing would qualify. The Spirit Cooking stuff springs from Alesteir Crowley's satanic Thelema religion.
  • Here is John telling someone last March what he really thinks about Hillary:

People tell me that Hillary is acting ‘like a retard’ since her head injury. Frankly, considering her normal behavior, I’m surprised anyone noticed! (this is a joke!) Have someone talk to her doctor and see if there’s anything he can give her.
  • Also, I’ve noticed she’s had an ‘odor’ lately. It reminds me of a combination of boiled cabbage, urine and farts. I’m guessing it’s either connected to her fall or simply the fact that she rarely bathes. Outside of encouraging her to take a shower once in a while, I don’t know what to do about this. — any suggestions would be appreciated.
    –sent from my iPad–

  • John Podesta is also really into UFOs. This is not surprising as those in the Luciferian/New Age are looking to make contact with something from above. Mr. Podesta is regularly contacted by UFO investigators and enthusiasts wanting an inside government look at what's going on with UFOs

  • His brother Tony is also into occultic art. Wouldn't you be proud to have this in your home? Here's an article describing the Podestas love of art collecting. John has pictures of nude teens on his walls, as well has a picture of cannibalism on his wall:
Image result for podesta occult art

Totally normal - when Satan is the god of this world! (2 Cor.4:4)

  • Further down the rabbit hole is the confluence of pizza places in Washington DC that until this past week, sported logos recognized by the FBI as child pedo sold here signs. (Beneath these pizza places is an abandoned tunnel system.)  Guess who in the Wikileaks went there for pizza a lot in very cryptic ways? Yes, the same ones that have filth as art in their homes. This is a line of investigation that I'm not prepared to go into, but I have blogged before about the Franklin Coverup and know that children are being trafficked by people in mighty high places in this country. We heard in that last weekend before the election that the NYPD had evidence found on Weiner's laptop that Hillary Clinton and Bill were sexually involved with children. Some speculated that Comey opened the investigation to seize that evidence from the NYPD. We know that the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein took several trips to his private island for you know what. As anyone who's read my blog before knows, I like to get at the source of things, and not talk in talking points. Let me tell you what, the mainstream media doesn't want these things to EVER become talking points. 

  • Now to Foundations. I'm proud that I did a lot of work (when I had fewer kids!) on understanding how foundations were used to overthrow our country.  It all started with Carnegie and Rockefeller, and the Clintons just followed the proven technique to use this tax-sheltered entity to stash all your ill-gotten cash, socially engineer, and then spread it to your friends.  My daughter has a great graphic she made depicting how this works that I need to get posted. My hope is that busting open the Clinton Foundation will lead the public to look at the rest of these foundations and the undemocratic influence they have. The Ford Foundation funding La Raza, for example. George Soro's Open Society funding all the rent-a-mobs causing chaos in our country right now. I hope President Trump will lock that scumbag up on charges of Sedition and Treason for all the junk he's pulled.

  • One thing I've ascertained in that Donald Trump is not a part of the inner circle that paints with blood and hates Americans like me. I'll be praying for his safety, that God give him and his family some more guardian angels. The last family to say proudly "America First" was the Lindbergh family and remember what happened to the Lindbergh baby? That's why we need to be vigilant about the people that surround him. I think everyone in the patriot movement is wary of the threat of neocon types worming their way in like they did to Reagan. It's going to be harder and harder for them to pull that kind of thing with the internet, may it always be free!

  • I voted on the very first day of early voting. I wasn't planning on it, but was at the park anyway with the community center right there, and I thought, why not? There was one guy in line who was 68 and had never voted before. Let me tell ya, he didn't look like a Hillary fan. I'm so proud of regular Americans coming out to vote to the extent that all the dead in Philadelphia and absentee votes in Broward County couldn't overcome it!

Image result for county election map 2016

  • I think we can see where the problem areas are. Note that a lot of that blue in Mississippi represent sanctuary cities. So California used to be able to go republican before Reagan did the amnesty thing and now it s a solid blue state. Food for thought. But county by county, you can see how flyover country feels about the status quo bankster establishment. Left or Right, the people want the Wall Street bankster types out of our government. Hillary voters are too dumb to realize that she is bought and paid for by the 1% and the Saudi Arabia government, where gays are executed and girls have their privates cut up.

  • What kind of pardon will Hillary get? The thing is, when you start investigating all this stuff, Republicans will get roped into suspicion. It's all so mind blowing. I've been waiting for Hillary to get called out for a very, very long time, and am so happy we have a President who is willing to do it. Notice how Rudy on these TV shows is not ruling out letting Hillary go. We've got a major rule of law situation in this country and it needs to be rectified. I'm hoping that we all get to see some justice!

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