Although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is, in some respects, one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked... in which I have spoken of so many important things done by Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply, To the superiority of their women.

--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Friday, March 6, 2015

Where Isis Came From

In my forays through the Churchianity websites, I find that many are afraid of Isis. No doubt it is a brutal collection of the craziest thugs Islam has to offer. But where did this group come from and how are they so fantastically armed? You'd think with a multi-billion dollar military and intelligence network, the US government would have more of an explanation than the shrugged shoulders and exasperated pleas for military contracts and sweet, sweet free money funding and military action.

Here is Ben Swann, investigative reporter extraordinaire, explaining how Isis came to be.

I think if someone took time to track down all these funny sounding names, we could probably cross-reference a lot of them to CIA training camps and the like. I'm really getting tired of our churches telling us how evil Isis is, but then not acknowledging, caring, researching where these people are actually coming from. They won't because East Asia has always been at war with Oceana, don't you know? Come on, the antichrist has got to get us all organized before he can make his final moves. But the USA could never, ever be apart of that because: Jesus, apple pie, kittens!!! Oh say can you see....

The lie falls apart when people know the truth; the Truth sets you free, etc.


  1. Well, should Christians hate Israel, then (one that also accused arming ISIS), Thanks.

  2. Christians should oppose those working for the powers and principalities of darkness. These entities have known to work in Israel before. I'm not one of those who thinks the "Jews" are the source of all conspiracy in the world, but I don't think that they are angels either.


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