That's right, you can't commit crimes if you're locked in a gulag or were executed in a ditch. That kind of enforcement truly does reduce crime. For example, look at what is done by SWAT teams in the name of drug crime enforcement.THE SECOND LEVEL OF DEMORALIZATION: STRUCTURES
There is a Russian proverb which says: “The sly head gives no rest to the arms.” Let us see what Communist subversion does to your “arms”-- the socio / political/economical STRUCTURES of America. The areas of application for demoralizing American structures are: 1. Judicial and Law-enforcement system; 2. Public organizations and institutions dealing with RELATIONS between individuals, groups and classes of the society; 3. Security and defense organs; 4. Internal political parties and groups; 5. Foreign policy formulating bodies both governmental and non-governmental (“think-tanks,” academia, “sovietology advisors” etc.)
In the area of “Law and Order,” the method of demoralization is to promote and enforce the prevalence of the “legalistic” approach over the “moral” one. Several generations of American lawyers and law-makers, graduating from the 'liberal' (that is LEFTIST, Socialist¬oriented) schools, after long-time exposure to the Socialist IDEOLOGY, have already created an atmosphere in the U.S. judicial system whereby “underprivileged” criminals are treated as a “victims” of the “cruel American society,” and the real victim (the law-abiding society) is turned into defenseless and very underprivileged citizens and taxpayers, PAYING for a comparatively comfortable life of the criminal in or outside prison. The result is as predictable as it is desirable for the subverter: MISTRUST of the American population towards their own judicial and law-enforcement system, and people demanding harsher punishments and stricter CONTROLS in order to fight crime. And what could be better than Soviet or Communist-type control? Even your 'liberal' media claims that there is no street crime in Moscow and no drug problem in the USSR.
Let's back up a minute and examine each of these structures and how leftist thought has infiltrated each one:
1. Judicial and Law-enforcement system

2. Public organizations and institutions dealing with RELATIONS between individuals, groups and classes of the society - There's so many non-profits advocating, supposedly, for the "poor", you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one. These organizations might disguise themselves as charities, but are leftist political groups underneath. CAIR is an example of an organization dealing with the relationship between
3. Security and defense organs- There's something amiss in our nation's security, when a large swath of our officials do not want to secure our borders. Why? Because they are globalists. They pine for reduced sovereignty, eventually leading to a global government. Political correctness is rampant in the military and seems to be put at a higher priority than the mission of protecting our citizens. This is classic subversion at work.
4. Internal political parties and groups- There is no end to the non-profit goody-two-shoes out there. This would include ACORN, unions, anyone who is in a group calling themselves an "activist."
5. Foreign policy formulating bodies both governmental and non-governmental (“think-tanks,” academia, “sovietology advisors” etc.)- There are more of these groups than ever before. George Soros funds his fair share of leftists think tanks i.e. Media Matters, We also have those wonderful foundations: Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller, which have been working to make a more manageable society for over 100 years now.
Since we are so far removed from our roots as a righteous, God-fearing people, our laws are now more legislative, and not so moral. Good law should be rooted in morality, that idea expounded upon in "Mere Christianity", that there is a natural law in this world. In our postmodern environment, where morality is not discussed publicly because it has been demoralized away, we see that our laws being passed are very arbitrary in their moral foundation, and the population is too busy with their mass culture to notice or care. It reminds me of the prophet Jeremiah, who knew that destruction was coming to Jerusalem and no one would listen to him, they were too busy with their happy-go-lucky lives.
The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable.
---Isaiah 42:21
Note: All Bezmenov quotes are from his pamphlet, "Love Letter to America" h/t Useless Dissident
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