Although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is, in some respects, one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked... in which I have spoken of so many important things done by Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply, To the superiority of their women.

--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rule 5 Sunday

Adrienne's Corner links up to the Daily Gator's exhaustive list of useless federal agencies to be gotten rid of without us even missing them.

Caught Him with a Corndog is rallying support for the ban on the drilling moratorium.

Maggie's Notebook is on the same page as myself, highlighting how police officers in Gulf Shores protecting BP back down when you ask for their supervisor.

At Bread Upon the Waters, an analysis of Philadelphia ACORN and the Department of "Justice".

At Get Along Home, we are discussing the "dirty little secrets" of homeschooling.

Spunky Homeschool exposes the dangers of a national curriculum. Even if you don't homeschool, this is an important issue that will affect you.

Congratulations to the McCain family on the nuptials of their 21-year-old daughter. Atta girl Kennedy! 

That wasington Rebel, the Irish Cicero, has a great post, "We're Fluxed?" All's I got to say is, Larry McDonald was right.

Weird Al was in town recently, but I didn't make it, so I'll compensate with this fun little ditty:


  1. Thank you so much for this nice link! Lots of good reading here, and I'm proud to be among them.

  2. Hey thanks for the linkback. Sorry I'm just now cluing in. DUH ;-)


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