
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today's the Big Day!

Aren't you excited?

Update: Blimeycow has the video of the day:

If you don't follow blimeycow, you're missing out on some funny entertainment such as the homeschool video that got them noticed by the 700 Club.


  1. Super excited. I didn't vote for the winner, however it turns out. I can live with that. ;-)If Romney wins, I can spend the next four years making fun of people who voted for him every time he says "stimulus", and if Obama wins...well, I make fun of his voters anyway.

    1. Yes, we'll have to keep that smirking down to a minimum and just interject that reality that Romney people want to ignore. Eventually, some of them will have to admit that the problem is bigger than one man.

  2. I am grateful to you both for not voting for either of the top people. You have insured that this country will be destroyed with great speed, and I hope you enjoy the ride.

    Thanks for nothing.

    1. Au contraire, we are trying to prime the pump to get this country out of the hands of the bankster duopoly. You truly are deceived if you think the "top people" can save this nation. They and their backers are who destroyed the dollar and are selling us out wholesale.

      Study the immense amount of material at my blog and then you will thank me for the enlightenment.

  3. LOL! By not electing Romney, we destroyed the country. That is the funniest thing i have read. Romney would have saved us! LOL!

    1. Lots of people have brainwashed themselves into thinking one man can change a 100 year subversive fiat money system. It is really sad.

  4. I love the video. Shared it with some more people!

  5. For all of you who are proud of your vote for Romney, or Paul, or letting Obama back in office, none of it is relevant! What we need to remember is "The Joy of the Lord is My Strength".

    Dr. Owens has about the best wrap-up of this election that I have seen anywhere.

  6. From one Homeschooler to another (mine started in 1984 as you know) thanks for the video and
    the link to Rand Paul's betrayal--


    1. Don't they do a great job? Yes, RP supporters were the first to call out Rand for his use of politics - it went over like a lead balloon.

  7. I voted for the loser.

    Romney couldn't have changed much, if anything. But even a little would have been better than another term of our Lord and Savior Prince Barry

    1. Lot's of people in your shoes. In my experience however, with each president regardless of party it really does just get worse. That's because there is a continuous agenda by the banksters to take out our great country.
