
Monday, May 28, 2012

Thank Them for Their Service


All the fallen on the other side know the score better than we down here do. If there is something fishy going on in our military, we need to as Samuel Adams said, "know the whole truth".

Here is a dramatic re-enactment of General Smedley Butler's War is a Racket circa 1930s.

Did you catch what he said about medals?

Looks like some soldiers have caught on - they signed up to fight for the protection of our homes and rights, not for the UN / NATO/ bankster global hegemony!!

Our soldiers have woken up to the fact that they aren't fighting to make us free. In a world where the United States has an armed brownshirts employed by Homeland Security, people need to wake up or the sacrifice our military have made is in vain.

Our military is supposed to protect us from enemies. That's what's so noble about it. But like everything Satan has been doing recently, he's flipped it to serve him. The veterans of the past are crying out for us to make things right. The TRUTH will set you free, not guns and bullets.

The love of money is the root of all evil.
Blessed are the peacemakers.

If you aren't getting the big picture by now, I'll pray for you.