
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Politics and the Generation Gap

by The republican Mother

As someone born in the tail end of Gen X, I can't help but notice a few things as we talk current events. For one thing, my level of cynicism is much, much higher than those boomers who follow politics. Why is this? Well, besides having a pathological liar in my family, it would probably have to do with the common Millennial experience. Allow me to illustrate:

Having endured public schooling after 100 years of government intervention, I can't tell you how much I hate  it when someone says "we need to have a program..". At the point at which I graduated, 1998, I sat in block scheduled classes, 90 minutes long, where we did absolutely nothing after the first 30 minutes. My Civics/Econ class consisted of talking about economics and such for about six weeks. I think my teacher was trying to reach us about the whole NWO, showing us the movie Rollerball, but I just interpreted that as liberal indoctrination attempts, and yelled out my standard conservative talking points as a counter. We then watched a lot of VH1 pop-up videos, High School High (Anything with Jon Lovitz is funny right?), and then we had Spades tournaments. I was on the "Rush to Excellence" team, in honor of my Rush fandom. Pretty funny, huh? The guy had tenure and admitted he was just paid to babysit 17 year olds.  Now, I did have AP Calc and AP English, and passed both tests, but I had run out of things to do at school, even with early dismissal. I saw it as one big waste, which is why when I see "conservatives" talk about reforming the education system, I just do a facepalm. Especially after reading Gatto and Iserbyt, and finding that the system is rigged to stymie young people at their prime, deliberately keeping them from the workforce until the Elite are good and done with them.

When we had pep rallies, no one cheered. The administration gets called out to scold us for not cheering. Who gives a crap, the whole student body seemed to be saying in unison. When I started ninth grade at this school, we had a new principal who turned the school into a prison and a sports-centered operation. Before, seniors could walk across the street to go to lunch at Hardees' or the Panther Den, but no more. Before, you could go to the library during lunch a play a game of chess, or check out a book, but no more. Before, the band actually got funded. Now, all students had to be under constant surveillance. Once, when I went to make up a test, a woman hall monitor said, "Hey Girl, where do you think you're going?" I don't know why that really bugged me, as I was a senior and I had a name, but I was obviously guilty of some infraction for not being where I should be. She seemed to be genuinely miffed that I was in the hallway for a legitimate reason. There were good teachers, at my school, understand, but we were trapped in a system that stymied our freedom and consisted of an oppressive atmosphere.

Anybody out there remember Channel One? That 10 minute news show that you had to sit through during 1st period where Lisa Lingading would tell you of the horrors of the "greeenhouse effect"? That was the '90s word for global warming. Just in case your parents didn't have the liberal media indoctrination on while you were getting ready for school, it awaited you before you started your day. We did our best to not pay attention. Our Christian teachers did a good job keeping us from the obvious indoctrination attempts, but there's just something about every textbook being written by the Establishment. I remember my US History teacher struggling through his options for next year's standard history class. They were all so biased, and hard to find more than a paragraph on George Washington. Anyway, going to school could best be described as "malaise".

I'm not going to get into my dirty laundry, but as you know the divorce rate of the parents of people my age is really unprecedented. Let's just say it really affects one's trust-o-meter. When young people can't trust their parent(s) to hold true to their vows before God, it really creates a rippling effect of distrust onto all the other institutions. When I hear boomers complain of liberal media bias, I'm very unimpressed and uninterested. Why? I sat under Channel One for eight years, as it started when I was in sixth grade, not to mention the patent phoniness of having stuff "sold" to you all the time. Of course I've heard about the liberal media since I started listening to Rush Limbaugh in 1992, so the fact that the media is biased is a given fact with me. Can we talk about something else now? Other non-political people my age will not rail against media bias, but will take it for granted that there's an angle somewhere, everyone's got one.

I see a lot of Millenials in greater numbers shielding their children from the poor schooling and family experiences that they themselves endured. This is evidenced by the rise of homeschooling as an educational choice among parents my age, and as more women my age become homemakers. Having seen what being a latch-keyed kid was like, many Millenials don't want that for their kids.  Now understand, I'm talking abut a subset of the population, for the oblivious we shall always have with us. I would say, however, that those in my generation are more able to break away from "official" party lines given the huge amount of phoniness we've had shoved down our throats, than older Americans as a group.

So, to summarize, when you've seen the basis of civilization broken up right in front of you, it gives one a radically different perspective than one who has grown up in a world where you could at least trust your parents not to skip out on you. You then naturally, could trust the government to at least be watching your back as you slept. That's their job right? Uh, right?? A Millennial would have no problem whatsoever with the thought that the USG would be "stepping out on us" for more money and power. Many of us have seen that happen in our own homes, so why couldn't it happen on a larger scale?

This is obvious for those of us who have grown up using computers. I got my first Tandy Color Computer 2 when I was in Kindergarten. I had three games on cartridges, The Temple of Rom, Alphabet Zoo, and ..can't remember what the other one was.. Anyway, now I use that to date myself, as kids I'm working with will say how old I am because I can remember when floppy disks were really floppy. lol  So, as a group, we're used to getting our information totally online. Remember when the internet first came to your school? They had to shut it off pretty quick in my middle school, if I remember for inappropriate uses. But the thing is, that more people my age are shutting off Establishment media. Remember that control of information is how the progressives took over this country. Recall the Reece Committee investigation that found that one of the aims of the Carnegie Foundation was to control the education system. Also recall was Congressman Oscar Callaway said regarding control of the media back in the early 1900s. I had a ball when I was in Knoxville, telling the peddlers of the Knoxville News Sentinel that I would not take their crappy newspaper camping with me, much less pay for it. We had a challenger to the county executive position have a bullet miss his head by an arms length! Read about it on page D3. In case you didn't know, Tennessee is the most corrupt state in the nation, and our newspapers are totally in on it. Most of what they publish is just AP wire stories and fluff. So I don't read newspapers, I don't watch local news (but should probably find a local blog), I don't have cable or satellite. I am the master of my digital domain and it feels pretty good. I also do not listen to talk radio much, unless it's Jerry Doyle. Why? Because I've already heard it all. The big talk radio hosts add nothing to my knowledge of our national predicament.

The older generation is tapping into the internet, but the old habits die hard. The power of radio and TV is still prevalent among this group. Of course, I'm talking about the subset of these age groups that even attempt to follow politics, which I acknowledge is not a huge number of people. But remember what they taught you about advertising, how the 18-34 market was crucial as that was when people picked the brands they would stick to for life. The Elite are disturbed that this market is highly suspicious of anything that they are selling, not just products, but entire sectors of the economy. Technology is allowing both liberal and conservative young people follow the money to the source of corruption. This leads me to ..
NH News

When one follows the money trail with intellectual honesty, whether one be liberal or conservative, one arrives at similar conclusions. Libertarianism is like the Reeses Pieces of politics:

 Hey! You've got corporate money in my government.
 Hey! You've got expansive government bailing out my supposed "free market" corporations.
 Hey! This all makes a heck of a lot more sense!

 The government and the corporations have been working together over the past 100 years to create an all-encompassing socialist state. And no, it's not the Utopian socialist state the liberals try to push at universities. (By the way, every single universities has these banksters as officials, provosts, trustees etc. and the liberal programs are 100% funded by the foundations where the banksters hide their money - do a muckety or search to prove it to yourself.)

I'm finding that conservatives who are still stuck in the talk radio / Fox News matrix dismiss those of us out here who are now identifying more under the libertarian label because they just don't understand what is really going on here. It's like trying to solve for x, but not understanding the process of isolating the variable first. While conservatives are railing against the unknown x, which in our metaphor would be liberals, liberals everywhere, libertarians are providing cogent explanations of how progressivism infiltrated America and the mechanisms by which it spreads. Libertarians isolate the variable of progressivism by subtracting the rhetoric away, and dividing by the political machine. What is left is progressives (both R and D) and their funding sources. Then one clearly sees the Fed Cartel, their associated banks, the foundations where they hide their money and their social engineering projects. It all becomes as clear as day.

For the record, I do NOT like to be labeled. I am an American, loyal to the following in this order:
1. The Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom Come - which emphasizes the individual over the group.
2. My family, which I am charged with guarding from the wiles of the devil and on this earth, that means guarding against progressive "deviling"
3. The US of A and its Constitution as founded and as intended to protect us all in our individual pursuits of happiness.

I have so many Continental soldiers in my lineage who fought against oppression and tyranny. They would look on our current national conversation in disgust. How could we be so easily played, when the answer is just to follow the love of money aka the "root of all evil"? When we do, we find the same crew running the show with the purpose of creating a world-wide communist government. The Elite see that this generation has tapped into the free-flow of information and that their time is limited. Like a cornered animal, they will try to lower the boom, which is why all those screaming hysterical Ron Paul fanatics are trying so hard to wake people up, because they understand the times in which they live and what is at stake. Mock us at your peril, we're just trying to live up to our birthright as Americans, defending the Constitution with a righteous zeal.

And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment. I Chron 12:32
xposted: Don't Tread on Us, and  Left Coast Rebel and The Classic Liberal


  1. So how old are you, anyway? I'm 32, and I don't know a thing about Channel One, though it sounds familiar for some reason. You can't be that much younger than I am. You seem a lot more optimistic about our generation than I am, though. I think we're a bunch of idiots. ;-)

    1. I'm 32 as well. Maybe your school district didn't have that deal. I'm of course talking about the subset that is able to converse on these subjects. The rest are Eloi, who aren't going to be active doing squat anyway. I know there's a lot of them out there, but I also know that there's a lot more homeschooling than there used to be. A homeschooling mom or dad will eventually encounter some of the information and will be urged on to know more when their way of life gets threatened, which is looking more likely all the time.

    2. I think I remember our school district considering it and deciding not to. Not sure. I am thrilled to see how many people deciding to homeschool! So yeah, I guess you're right. :-)

  2. How do you ever find time for all the research you do? Maybe when I was 32 I had that much energy too. I just can't remember that far back.

    1. Some women like cross-stitching, some like knitting, I like researching:)
      I am motivated when I think of the kids. A good post would be time management for busy blogger, not something I excel at, but anyway!
