
Friday, December 31, 2010

Meet Your Elites: Crispen Tickell

I had never heard of this guy until I came across this James Dilingpole column I found at Lew Rockwell. It is by a guest poster Ishmael2009, and bills Crispen Tickell as the man who invented global warming. Mr. Tickell wrote the 1977 book Climactic Change and World Affairs in which he connects climate change and overpopulation. At the time, it was global cooling that was all the rage, but it doesn't matter because the human race is the target of the elites. Here is an excerpt:

We are, he believes, “a malignant maladaption in the corpus of living organisms, and behave and reproduce like a virus out of control” (2). We are “infected tissue in the organism of life” (3). “More than ever,” he writes, “humans can be regarded like certain species of ant” (5).The only relief from this that Tickell sees on the horizon is that “it is hard to believe that there will be anything like current or future human numbers in their present urban concentrations or elsewhere. Whether weeded out by warfare, disease, deteriorating conditions of life, or other disasters, numbers are likely to fall drastically. We must, I believe, expect some breakdowns in human society before the end of this century with unforeseeable outcomes” (4). That’ll teach us to pollute his nice clean world!
This dovetails with the previous post where we see that collectivists don't see the beauty of the individual, each uniquely created by God, but as a horde of groups and subgroups to be controlled and manipulated. Who else hates the human race this much or more? Oh, yes..

Get the picture? This guy is part of the founding families of the new world order, his great-great grandfather being T.H. Huxley himself.  One aspect of the elites I like to examine is their religious and moral beliefs. How convenient Mr. Tickell put up this interview about that very subject.
So you took instruction and became a Catholic, observing Catholic yourself.
Only for a very short time. I remember that the Jesuit who instructed me who was a well-known person called Father Martindale, whenever I came up against great difficulty he would put his hand upon mine and say 'Have faith my child, have faith.' But after a bit I realised that wasn't enough, and I didn't actually spend very long in the Catholic Church, because I was uncertain about its whole intellectual structure, and I still am.
Where did the doubts creep in then? Was this to do with fraternizing with the chimpanzees? (Laughs)
(Laughs) No. I just thought it was a very, very unlikely tale, the Christian tale - it seems to me that you're piling improbability upon improbability. And it goes back much more than people I think realize, to the extremely unlikely story of the Fall of Man. Because if Adam and Eve had not fallen, or if symbolically people had not learnt what sin was about, then you don't need a Redeemer, and you don't need all the rest of the apparatus. And so a lot of it goes back to the Fall. And when I became interested in anthropology, this seemed to me an extremely improbable phenomenon, because I see humans as being like any other primate, gradually moving in a certain direction with evidently mutations taking place, and gradually becoming aware of philosophy and understanding and language and art and all the rest of it. But I don't see anything like a fall. If you don't have a fall, you don't need a redeemer. If you don't need a redeemer, then what is this nonsense about, about having to be sacrificed on the cross for humanity? Again, you then get into the question of was ... Jesus God, or wasn't He? And it seems to me again it's an extremely unlikely tale that He ever was. I've always wanted all my life, to sit down with Him and have a good conversation.
You won't be sitting down and the conversation will be one-sided. He thinks humans are just monkeys, I guess his great-grandpa would be proud. Of course, this line of thinking makes culling humans morally justifiable, and we saw that with the Georgia Guidestones someone out there wants a lot of humans dead.
Isn't the point about Christianity that it, it's the unlikeliness of the tale that makes it the great faith it is?
Well I don't think so is the answer - I simply cannot believe this extraordinary heap of beliefs. And when you compare it with other beliefs and other religions as I think we all have to do, you realize that in many respects, Christianity is one of the most improbable of the lot. It's very interesting - how can people believe all this stuff? How did people believe the other things that they believe? I think the human mind is an infinitely flexible instrument which is capable of taking on almost any set of beliefs - sometimes you dress them up in reason afterwards - but the emotional reasons behind any religion are the most important, and I think the rationalization that takes place is, or is not improbable or implausible - and I'm afraid Christianity is among the most implausible.
If I'm going to believe in a God powerful enough to create the universe, then why would it be too hard to believe what He did in a Book which He wrote objectively explaining it to you? Apparently this concept is too hard for this poor, unregenerate man.
And did you, how did you fill the, the gap that was left then, as, as a young person you'd been a serving Christian. Did you feel a, a lack of an explanation or ideology? And indeed, where does Christianity sit now in your world view?
I think it's a system of belief that I respect in the same way as I respect other systems of belief, and I find it a very interesting subject. I find it's rather enjoyable to discuss it with people. You'd be surprised how few priests and other advocates of Christianity are in fact willing to get down to the intellectual foundations and have a look at them, because they don't like doing it. But filling a gap - I didn't really feel a great gap, because I think the most important thing that we have is life itself, and when I start to look at the improbability of life and its manifestations since the very beginnings probably 4 billion years ago, I find that of such interest, that I feel very much at one with living things wherever they may be.
He derides Christianity as not being intellectual and an emotional religion, which is just what the devil would say, wouldn't he? He speaks in opposite land where up is down and wrong is right. This statement is ludicrous given that it was the church that preserved the knowledge of the ancient world, it was Christian men determined to show God's order of the universe through scientific discovery that made the modern world possible. The rationality of a God outside of ourselves who instead of snapping His fingers and changing His Creation on a whim, which He is within His right to do, plays by His own set of rules. He is orderly, reasonable, and just. His Book has been preserved through the centuries unchanged as the Dead Sea Scrolls have proved. In it, the God of the universe describes the beginning, middle, and end of human history and His plan for it. The gobblegook spouted by Mr. Tickell is what is unrational-- just as God said would happen in the last days:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

--Romans 1:18-25

Have pity on these elites who live in such spiritual darkness that they don't even realize that they are in a horrible trap. The fact that God has put the world into a deep freeze with these people promoting global warming shows how they are like gnats to Him. These people will ultimately never succeed in their plans because God is sovereign and in control. I'm reminded of what God said in Genesis 15:19:
 ...for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.

God is waiting for the resevoir of His wrath to be filled. Every abortion, every broken home, every blasphemy, every two-bit scheme like AGW puts a drop into His wrath bucket. The time will come when it will be filled and like a threatening parent, that really will be IT. Game. Over. Man. Those who mock Him with their stupid assertions that a God who purports to have created the universe wouldn't be able to do the math on human reproduction and the surface area of the earth- are in for a rougher time than we mundanes. Pray for Crispin Tickell, as he is lost without hope, and is not above using deceit and trickery to push eugenics on the world's population. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Greatest Gift of All

This is the title of the latest Paul Craig Roberts column found here. You should check it out because it succinctly condenses why Christianity is important to everyone, including nonbelievers who enjoy living in a free society.

All Americans have a huge stake in Christianity. Whether or not we are individually believers in Christ, we are beneficiaries of the moral doctrine that has curbed power and protected the weak. Power is the horse ridden by evil. In the 20th century the horse was ridden hard. One hundred million people were exterminated by National Socialists in Germany and by Soviet and Chinese communists simply because they were members of a race or class that had been demonized by intellectuals and political authority.
Power that is secularized and cut free of civilizing traditions is not limited by moral and religious scruples. V.I. Lenin made this clear when he defined the meaning of his dictatorship as "unlimited power, resting directly on force, not limited by anything."
Christianity’s emphasis on the worth of the individual makes such power as Lenin claimed unthinkable. Be we religious or be we not, our celebration of Christ’s birthday celebrates a religion that made us masters of our souls and of our political life on Earth. Such a religion as this is worth holding on to even by atheists.

Christianity is unique in the view that it holds the individual. God makes us as individuals, redeems us as individuals, and judges us as individuals. Given how many individuals there are and have been on planet Earth, that makes Him a truly great God. Notice how the collectivists are always doing studies to group us according to our respective demographic groups in order to better engineer society. That's how they view people, as part of some group or subgroup. God on the other hand will give everyone who ever lived a just hearing, individually:
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Rev. 20:12
 Note to those reading, your works ain't nothing special. The greatest gift of all is the blood of Christ which cleanses us from all unrighteousness. I pray the Holy Spirit would lead to you to the gift of salvation this Christmas, 'cause the the next time He comes, it won't be as a cute little baby!

The King is Coming by the Statler Brothers 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Confession is Good for the Soul

Here is an interview with John Perkins, the "economic hitman" who spills his guts on how corporations and the government work together to expand the invisible empire that most Americans don't even realize exists. Mr. Perkins relates what happens to men of integrity in the Third World who stand up to this syndicate - they usually die in an "accident". He also explains how this "system" uses people's weaknesses to control them, always tempting them power and money. This interview is pretty lengthy, but it's better time spent than listening to talk radio or the news channels, because you will actually learn something new. I hope to be able to read his book, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" one of these days. Elements of his story are similar to Gen. Smedley Butler's War is a Racket:
For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out.

I'm finding these testimonies from those who were in this S.P.E.C.T.R.E ish fascist crime syndicate revealing and interesting. Maybe that's because everything I read and hear in the conservative media just doesn't explain the world I'm actually seeing. Liberals are baaad, baa, baa. I get that, but that doesn't explain the situtaion we find ourselves in. People are busy and just want to be told which group to be against, and simply cannot see the forest for the trees. They know which trees they don't like, but are unable to see the big picture. We discussed this in the subversion study. Oh well, check out this interview and tell me what you think!

Update: I found a 2 minute video that summarizes the above interview in cute cartoon format.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The American Dream - Cartoon

Here are the two trailers for the 30 minute cartoon short as featured on Freedom Watch. I really would like to see the whole thing-looks pretty cool. Featuring Andrew Jackson hacking up bankers with his saber - political discourse doesn't get a lot more vibrant than that. Find out more at The American Dream Film.

Warning: cuss words so put your headphones on.

The American Dream Trailer from American Dream on Vimeo.

American Dream Trailer from American Dream on Vimeo.

The director appears on Freedom Watch:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

World Thought Police - Part 1

The Bez is back! In World Thought Police, ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezemnov aka Tomas Shuman, expounds on his role as an agent in the government-controlled news agency, Novosti. He worked in its branch in India and conveys how he used the principles of subversion in that country.

"During the last months of my career with Novosti, while contemplating defection, I often tried to assess the volume of evil I personally contributed to that done by my organization and my country. Was I really that guilty? Why should I feel guilty at all? My Soviet colleagues did not feel uncomfortable with their share of guilt. Neither did the foreign collaborators of Novosti. Nor the intellectuals and “progressive” Indians receiving our “blood money” in the form of some fraud like the “Jawaharlal Nehru Peace Prize.” Then how come, I thought, I single out myself for doing the evil?"
"Observing the world-wide destruction of human minds caused by my motherland, unresisted and unpunished, and meditating about how easily all that mind-warping could be stopped, I wanted to believe that there, in the West, some people and organizations we call “reactionary circles” know the situation and how to deal with our subversion. They had not done it, for some reason unknown to me at that time. But when needed, I thought, they would stop us, for their own good."
"Later, in India, I was surprised to realize that no one even thought we were doing anything wrong to their country. Are they blind and deaf? Or is there something that makes them unaware of impending danger? “I must defect and open up their eyes,” I thought. So I defected and started trying to open up their eyes. But no one wanted either my information, or to open up their eyes. People prefer to remain comfortably, blissfully unaware of things unpleasant. When I arrived in Canada I used to bother all sorts of supposedly knowledgeable people: the CIA, the media, politicians, “kremlinologists” and political scientists. And finally I realized that despite the abundance of reliable data, most of them simply don't CARE. “We don't give a damn,” as my former boss at Canadian Broadcasting Corporation said to me when I presented him my ideas on ideological subversion. They are “sitting pretty.” Wars are being fought somewhere far away from their three-bedroom homes. They dazzle the public (and themselves) with all sorts of illusions such as “peace talks,” SALT agreements, detente, etc. Some of the people I talked to were simply enfeebled snobs who wanted to be regarded as energetic and knowledgeable protectors of public interests (whatever that may mean). My impression is that they are mainly concerned with their own interests, their pathetic self importance. “What can we do about half of Cambodia being MURDERED?” Really, WHAT?"
Now doesn't that just prick your heart? The man leaves behind his family and country to come to the West to warn the world outside of the Iron Curtain about the principles of subversion, which we have addressed thoroughly on this blog, and no one cares. There is a good reason for that as followers of this blog may well know that those in the powerful elite have been working overtime to keep us distracted. Well, people are listening now as the water circles the drain. 
"No, there are no “reactionary circles” hysterical about Communist genocide in Asia, Africa and Latin America. There are circles hysterical about apartheid in South Africa though. Hypocrites! The most “reactionary,” and “hysterically” so, are the Western lib-leftist literati, usurping well-salaried positions in the civil services, bureaucratized media monopoly, academia-- everywhere the public opinion is being forged and forced. It was these people who discouraged and obstructed publication of this material IN ANY FORM for almost a decade of “detente.” It was a well-educated ignoramus in one of the Western centers of “Sovietology” who wrote me that the information in my book is “obsolete and outdated.” One thing he should have known: nothing is outdated if we talk about the goals and methods of KGB-Novosti. Nothing has changed since the Chinese genius of subversion Sun-Tzu for the last 2,500 years of human history."
If you read Wall Street and Bolshevik Revolution, available in the X-files section, you find that certain powerful players in the United States were in on the ground floor level of the modern Communist system. I don't know if Yuri was aware of the whole picture when he came out with these booklets, that the nations of the world were moving together, kind of like pieces of the blob under centralized control. You see, everyone in the conservative media is sounding like Joe McCarthy these days calling everyone in the Obama administration a socialist, Marxist, or communist. And rightly so, but what so few if these same people seem to realize is that there are fascist elements to our government as well. Fascism is often known  as "crony capitalism", which I think is too kind a description. Fascism can be described best at this post at the Classic Liberal. Communism and Fascism are both means to an end which involves barracks surrounded by barbed wire. Anyway, we'll continue:

"I have written about Novosti will not become outdated until and unless Novosti itself disappears, together with the whole Soviet regime and the “World Communist Movement.” Until that time my book will remain an accurate, though impressionistic and highly opinionated, description of the largest subversion system in the history of mankind. 
Of course, I present only a part of the whole picture. I have a suspicion that no one, including Novosti's top brass, knows the complete picture. In the Soviet secrecy-maniacal society it is typical for a right hand not to know what the left one is doing. My purpose here is not to present academic research on the Novosti Press Agency and the KGB (although some of my chapters may look as boring and as informative as that). My intention is to give you both feeling and substance in a somewhat personalized form. "
The fact that no individual in the system can see the forest for the trees is a key point. The idiot TSA agents don't see that they are instruments for "stripping away" the fourth amendment. Most of them probably don't know what the fourth amendment or even what the Bill of Rights are. If they had not been demoralized in the public school system, and been taught proper patriotism (which is different than nationalism entirely!) they would rather starve in the street than be a servant to the vile and unconstitutional Homeland thought police. Many government workers and those in the large corporations, which we see from the Fed's own records are really one in the same, suffer from this same compartmentalization. A worker is making a cog, not realizing it is the vital component to a doomsday weapon, which may be wielded by a maniacal government. Also, the genocide that Yuri notes can also be viewed through the lens of John Stockwell, the ex-CIA agent who blasted these wars and that "communists" were not the sole perpetrators. I actually try to be fair and balanced around here.

Under Yuri Andropov, the new generation of the KGB's “public relations” experts started to emerge: highly educated and well-trained graduates from Soviet schools, fluently speaking two or more languages, familiar with the history, literature, religion, ways of life, and socio-political structures of the target countries.
That was the time of the new “general line” of the CPSU CC (Central Committee). A new propaganda cliché was coined-- a “third way” of development for former colonies of the West (non-communist, and yet non-capitalist, but definitely an “anti-imperialist,” mainly anti-American, way of development). Implementation of such a policy required thousands of professional media workers, well trained in the Western style of reporting and in the processing of information and presentation of opinions and ideas in the most effective emotional way, appealing to the most basic, fundamental and primitive instincts of humans: fear (of nuclear war and/or nuclear confrontation with the USSR); self-preservation (would you rather live in a “cruel, polluted, profit-oriented capitalistic society” or in a “scientifically planned, rational, pollution-free, kind society with just re-distribution of wealth”); and love (of children, motherhood, peace, friends, class and race brothers, etc.)
Make note of that "third way", this term has been used by Bill Clinton and Tony Blair to describe basically the same thing, a synthesis of communism and capitalism. It has its own think tank which you can check out here: a moderate progressive organization it says. Note that Novosti used the emotions to play their targets, just as our media does today, conservative media included. 

"The ultimate objective of the new policy and of the activity of such an instrument of this policy as the Novosti Press Agency is not to learn more secrets about the adversary, and not even to teach the masses in the West in the spirit of Marxist-Leninist ideology, but to slowly replace the free-market capitalist society, with its individual freedoms in economic and socio-political spheres of life-- with a carbon copy of the “most progressive” system, and eventually merge into one world-wide system ruled by a benevolent bureaucracy which they call Socialism (or Communism, as the final and supreme stage of this “progress.”)
To effect this gradual change, it is much easier and less painful (and less noticeable for the populace) to change the perceptions of reality, attitudes, patterns of behavior and to create wide-spread demands and expectations, leading ultimately to the acceptance of totalitarianism. Thus the media is the main target of manipulation by the KGB-controlled “independent, non-government, non-political, public organization” known as the Novosti Press Agency."
We've talked about this before when we went through the Subversion Process Study. The old frog in the pot routine has been used on many countries throughout the world. For America, the pot's been boiling for right at 100 years, which needs to be the subject of a whole other series! 

All Yuri Bezmenov quotes come from the Useless Dissident  and I thank him for sharing these resources with the world.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Help Dick Thompson Stay on His Land

First they came for the hermits living in campers without utilities on their 38 acres and I said nothing, for I was not a hermit living in a camper without utilities....

Somewhere in podunk Indiana, a man named Dick Thompson lives alone with his pets in a little RV without water, sewer, or electricity. The local authorities say that he is breaking health codes and zoning violations by doing so. I say their petty ordinances do not trump the US Constitution. Here's the video with an introduction by a gentleman I don't recognize, but who uses our subversion vocabulary word "demoralize":

Now is the time for a little activism! Here are the email address for the councilmen of this county whose ordinances are being violated with such abandon:
Bill Savage, District 1 (

Buddy Patterson, District 2 (

John Bostic, District 3 no email, apparently

Gary Gustin, District 4 (

Larry Crenshaw, At Large (

Larry Higgins, At Large (

Mike Phipps, At Large (

This is the message I sent, you may vary it - just trying to make it easier for everyone to send:

Dear Council members,

I'm writing in support of Mr. Thompson, a man whose constitutional rights your county/community seem to feel free to violate. Not using modern conveniences is not a crime.

If your zoning regulations do not permit this on tracts as great as 38 acres, it's time to revisit your zoning plan. While I can understand the need for sewer facilities in tight quarters, such as subdivisions and towns, a parcel as great as 38 acres with only one occupant is of no danger to anyone.

It's really none of your business how Mr. Thompson chooses to live his life. I recall that the first woman US Representative, Jeanette Rankin lived this exact same way by choice after her retirement.

To be secure in our property is one of the most basic of human rights, and if your petty ordinances contradict that, they need to be changed. The eyes of America are fixing to be upon you.

For those of you more adventurous, the phone numbers of the Sheriff (765) 646.9290 Ron Richardson. It's our county sheriffs who are supposed to stand up for the Constitution in the face of shenanigans like this. But if this is like most rural counties, everyone's related and on the take.

Unlike the Constitution, county rules and regulations can be changed much more easily. Even if you don't live in a trailer in the middle of nowhere, what regulation could be dreamed up to push you off your property? Remember Agenda 21 and the Wildlands Project are real plans that have been drawn up and are ready to go.  Are you informed enough to fight back?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Creating a Devil so that they can Lock up the Devil."

Here are excerpts from a column by Becky Alders I found at Lew Rockwell via Classic Liberal. As someone who distrusts our media's reporting, I find every area suspect, not just education, the welfare state, etc. I find it surprising that other people who claim to be "conservatives" will go on and on about the media being unfair and lying, yet swallow everything the media says about our War on Terror hook, line, and sinker. Do they think that there is one area that the media won't lie with impunity, especially given who bankrolls the mainstream and even the side-stream media? Observe the CFR and Trilateral links (too much fun not to put them in):

double click or check the link
I just want to know the who, what, when, where, why, and how, but what you get when it comes to foreign policy and the "war on terror" is a nebulous story peppered with words that make the average person's mind shut off.  For me, it raises more questions, which Ms. Alders humorously expounds upon the case of the attempted subway bomber:

A US district judge sentenced notorious terrorist, Shahawar Matin Siraj, to 30 years in prison this past Monday for agreeing to blow up the 34th Street subway station in Manhattan. The next day, by amazing coincidence, his family was arrested on immigration charges.
No doubt you're scratching your head, trying to recall who Shahawar Matin Siraj is. If he's dangerous enough to merit 30 years in the slammer and a deported family, why haven't you heard of him? Likely because his case doesn't pass the laugh test. The usual suspects are bragging that their jihad against him has saved civilization, but it's shamefaced bragging of the kind you hear when a 10th-grader beats up a kindergartner. They dare not ballyhoo their triumph lest the serfs finally rouse themselves and yell, "Are you serious? You're reading our mail and tapping our phones and groping us at airports because of guys like him?"
Siraj was a 22-year-old Pakistani working in Brooklyn, NY at an Islamic bookstore — located, ominously enough, next to a mosque. Both Siraj's family and his attorneys have described him as "witless and impressionable." His uncle admitted, "He's my nephew, but he's not too bright.... He's not dangerous, he just talks."
I always imagined the Feds spying on a nefarious group working to put together an EMP or figuring out to derail a train carrying toxic chemicals. In light of the recent Somali teenager, it would seem that they're just trolling for Muslims of below average intelligence and putting the tools of terror in their hands. Color me less than impressed. Ms. Anders continues:
Siraj's hours in the bookstore and the mosque, where he prayed, as well as his lack of sophistication recommended him to 50-year-old Osama Eldawoody. An Egyptian immigrant who became a US citizen, Eldawoody is also a "paid police informant." For several years after 9/11, he and an undercover cop prowled both bookstore and mosque. Eldawoody collected $100,000 of our taxes for chatting up "radical young Moslem men," a.k.a. customers at the bookstore, and for reporting the license-plate numbers of cars parked at the mosque.

The snitch and his undercover sidekick honed in on Siraj, "not the brightest bulb in the chandelier," and another dim wit as well. James Elshafay is just 21; his short life has been nasty and brutish. His Irish mother and Egyptian father separated when he was a toddler. He suffers from schizophrenia and depression, as do other members of his family, and takes drugs of which Leviathan approves to counter these ills. He took drugs Leviathan doesn't approve as a teen, perhaps because a "male relative" molested him. He drank to excess, sniffed glue, and dropped out of the ninth grade in his school on Staten Island. He volunteered for the Army, but he was so damaged even those body-snatchers wouldn't have him. 

In short, Elshafay and his friend Siraj sound more like threats to themselves than to the American Way of Life. We've all known folks like them: there's a glazed look in their eyes as they work to decipher such sentences as "You want fries with that?" and "The red light means STOP." Often they're eager to please and readily agree to just about anything; you could suggest a blind date with Hillary Clinton, and you'd get a goofy grin and a "Sure!" Some of us, to our shame, may have mocked or even bullied children like them when we were kids. Then we grew up. We learned that wounded souls and minds are still worthy of respect, that their slow wits don't exempt us from the Golden Rule, and that only the truly vicious take advantage of them.

Enter Eldawoody, the NYPD, the FBI, and the whole apparatus of prosecutors, judges, and other criminals fighting a largely invented but highly useful "War on Terror."

Eldawoody showed Siraj and Elshafay pictures of their fellow Moslems' torture at Abu Ghraib and told them US soldiers were raping Iraqi girls. He claimed he belonged to a terrorist organization — well, OK, he does collaborate with the Feds — and could supply explosives. According to Siraj, Eldawoody suggested "blowing up the buildings and blowing up the Wall Street places." Unfortunately for Siraj and Elshafay, the man pretending to be their friend and Moslem mentor, the one who told them his imam had declared a fatwa for killing Americans, was wearing a wire. When Siraj exclaimed, "That [US soldiers' raping Iraqi girls] was enough for me. I'm ready to do anything. I don't care about my life," Eldawoody's tape caught it. Trying to impress the older man, Siraj also mentioned blowing up the 34th Street subway stop, which links to New York's Penn Station. He and Elshafay allegedly possessed crude drawings of the station when they were arrested.

Siraj was tried and convicted in May. The chief witnesses against him were the drugged Elshafay, the corrupt Eldawoody, and his own words, taped without his knowledge. Siraj has no criminal record. He was a member of no terrorist organization. He possessed no explosives or other means of carrying out the scenarios Eldawoody concocted. Nevertheless, Judge Nina Gershon sentenced him to 30 years. Ray Kelly, New York's police commissioner, called this travesty "an important milestone in safeguarding New York against terrorist plotters whether home-grown or foreign." But Siraj's attorney described it truthfully: "In essence, what we have is the New York City Police Department creating a crime so they can solve the crime and claim a victory in the war on terror. ...What the government has done by painting this young the mastermind behind the plot to bomb the 34th Street subway is really creating a devil so that they can lock up the devil."
 As a Christian, I wonder what kind of a witness this is for the world? We say we're a nation founded on Christian principles and use deceit and guile to ensnare, not average intelligence people, but those who don't have the brains to figure out that they're obviously being used. This same technique could be used on any group as a pretext for further state control and surveillance. Think about it people, how easy it is for Leviathan to turn its system toward you - a much greater and likely danger. For those unfamiliar with the term Leviathan, it refers to the out-of-control statist system that seeks to acquire power for itself:
You might think Leviathan would rest content after entrapping and railroading "the devil." But no. Now the beast is rampaging after Siraj's parents and sister. Like torture, punishing a "criminal's" family is an ancient horror that modern, supposedly enlightened societies shun. And like torture, Bush's Amerika has revived it. This is especially infuriating since the Bible Bush claims to follow specifically condemns such injustice: "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin." (Deut. 24:16; see also Jer. 31:30 and Ezek. 18:1—13.)

A dubious immigration battle cloaks the State's vindictiveness against the Siraj family. These folks follow a form of Islam so secular their neighbors in Pakistan beat and burned Mr. Siraj. He sought asylum here. Our merciful bureaucrats rejected the application, so the family appealed. That apparently makes them "fair" game for Leviathan. But will the State bother with such an excuse the next time? When the rest of us are arrested for smoking pot, or for refusing to show ID, or for protesting the war, will our families be locked up, too?
One might now add if you refuse TSA screening, or the next thing Homeland comes up with, will you be labeled a "domestic terrorist?" With the current situation, the wandering mind can connect up a lot of situations in which the vaguely written "laws" of this land could be used against everyone of us. 

The passage in Deuteronomy continues almost eerily, "Do not deprive the alien or the fatherless of justice..." Let us tremble with Jefferson when we reflect that God is indeed just and that His justice cannot sleep forever.

 This is rapidly looking like Babylon, the symbol God uses to refer to man-centered government: